Mock United Nations Debate
On Friday 16th June, 22 students took part in a mock United Nations debate. We were lucky enough to have facilitators from U.N. Youth Victoria come and guide the students through the processes of the day. We were also joined by Imogen, who is the Australian Youth Representative to the United Nations, and has been able to do so much good with her time in this position. Imogen was able to spend time talking with the students about how she got to where she is, the travel she has done and the amazing stories of her experiences with the U.N. I hope the students were as inspired as the staff were.
The students were put in groups of 2 or 3 and became delegates of a country and were addressed as such during the proceedings. The delegates were a part of the Human Rights Council and debated amendments to a resolution 'The Question of Internet Freedom' and then the U.N. Security Council and debated amendments to the resolution: 'The Question of climate refugees'.
The students did an amazing job, working well together, using critical thinking and representing their given countries well. They debated with enthusiasm and voted for amendments that aligned with their values.
I just want to say how proud we are of the way the students presented themselves and immersed themselves in this experience.
Break Schedule
We have implemented a year level schedule for the Library at recess and lunch breaks.
This allows for all year levels to access the space in a more efficient and structured way for borrowing and activities.
There are opportunities for a Library pass, if you are a Library monitor and help in this space.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Year 7 & 8s
Lego Club | Year 7 & 8s | Year 9 & 10s | Year 11 & 12s | Trivia All ages participating in trivia. |
The Premier's Reading Challenge is well underway at SCSC, and we already have some students heading towards the finish line, ready to get their hands on some prizes.
The Challenge will end on the 8th September, so there is still plenty of time to get those books read and listed.
We have 283 Surf Coast Secondary College students registered so far which is an amazing effort!
Happy Reading.