Principal's Message

Dear students, parents, staff and community members.
I’m sure I am not alone in saying how quickly this term has gone. It has been another huge term at the College with so many things achieved across a number of areas within the college.
Student reports have now been uploaded to Compass. All parents should download them and facilitate a discussion with your child to unpack them. Parent/Teacher/Student Conference bookings are also now open. We are following the same scheduling with a second day in order to provide more families with the opportunity to get appointments; our teachers are very popular and they book out quickly! They will be running on Monday 24th July from 11am to 7pm, and Tuesday 25th July from 9am to 1pm. On these two days, students will be provided with instructions and work for independent learning from home. In the event that it is required, supervision may be available here at school for students. Parents will need to register their request for student supervision onsite using a compass event which will be posted a week prior to the conferences taking place.
Course selection processes have commenced for all students in Year 8 to 11 for our 2024 academic year. All students should be taking the time over these holidays to sit with their parents/guardians to review the year level handbooks which have been sent out via MS Teams and Compass. When completing the online form, please take the time to make sure you complete your preferences correctly. All students will be notified of their 2024 subjects towards the end of the term in September.
At the beginning of Term 3 there will be some changes to classes’ timetables, including days of the week for some subjects, and in some cases a change of teacher. Wherever possible we aim to limit these types of changes and to try to time them at appropriate times such as the start of a new semester or a new term. Unfortunately, sometimes they are unavoidable.
Despite the extreme teacher shortage currently affecting Victorian schools, we are fortunate at Kambrya to have a very professional teaching staff and a sufficient number of teachers. We have been able to cover all classes with a suitable teacher all year so far and we will once again begin the term with all classes covered by great teachers.
The Term 3 timetable is now visible on Compass. If you see any changes and have any concerns regarding these, please email the subject teacher or your sub-school leader to discuss this further. Thank you for your patience with these changes.
To finish off the term I would like to take this opportunity to thank the entire Kambrya College community for your support this term as Acting Principal. It continues to make me humble and proud knowing that we have such hard-working staff and supportive community.
I would like to extend my thanks to Ms Lisa Murphy who has been in the Acting Assistant Principal role for the term as well as Ms Loes Palma and Sarah Day who help lead our Year 11 cohort.
I look forward to working with you again in Term 3 in my Assistant Principal role. Wishing all a safe and relaxing break.
Martin McDonald
Acting Principal