
F-1 Investigative Play
"On Friday for Investigative Play my role for the week was the Reporter. I had to walk around the room and ask at least five people what they were investigating. I also took some photos on the ipad.
I first went to the shop corner. Dusty told me that he was buying something and Will was working on the phone.
Then I went to the home corner where Marley was cooking and Aurora and Paulo were playing on the old computer.
Then I went to see the Lego. Roy was making a car, Harry K was making a long hay trailer and Chivay was building a big high tower."
by Hadley
Kindergarten Visit
Mason and Lily recently went to visit the Edenhope Kindergarten children.
"When we got there they welcomed us with hugs and hellos. The first thing we did was go outside and play on the swings, then we pushed them on the bikes, and they had a lot of fun.
Then we all played with the rainbow parachute, we put a ball on the parachute, and we had to get it off, that was fun.
Then it was time to relax and read a book. Mason read a book to them, it was called 'Home among the gum trees'. Before we left, Mrs Hausler read them a book called 'Bums'. It was very funny and they loved it. When we were leaving, they gave us hugs and high fives. Overall, it was an awesome experience and we are looking forward to doing it again."
Mason & Lily
Year 2/3/4 Camp to Anglesea
Years 2, 3 & 4 recently went to Anglesea on a combined camp with Goroke.
"My favourite thing about camp was surfing." - Harry D
"My favourite thing about camp was archery because I enjoyed shooting the bow. I enjoyed flying fox and surfing was fun too." - Jackson
"My favourite thing at camp was surfing because I love going to the beach. I also enjoyed making new friends." - Eliza
"My favourite thing about camp was the archery. I enjoyed this because it was so much fun. Surfing was also a lot of fun. After the camp we all went to the chocolate factory. I also made a lot of friends on camp." - Therese
"My favourite thing about camp was surfing because it was fun. I rode the surfboard upside down." - Tayler
"My favourite things abouth the camp were the campfire, the rock climbing and the archery." - Zoe
"My favourite thing about camp was the surfing because I stood up. I enjoyed the camp because everyone was there." - Chloe
"My favourite part of camp was surfing. I enjoyed surfing because I learned how to surf. I also enjoyed the flying fox. I also made lots of new friends. Camping was the best!" - Suzen