
Biggest Morning Tea
"On the 25th of May we hosted the Edenhope College Biggest Morning Tea. Without all of the many people who brought Slices, Cakes, Sausage Rolls and Quiches in, we would not have been able to run the day and raise as much money as we did. We raised just under
$2,000! Thank you to everyone who contributed and helped out.
We would like to say a big thanks to Jess Sambell, Dani Irving, Katelyn Kelly, Kalla Colgate, Kelly MacClay, Trilby Hartas, Jess Nelson, Gabi Bourne, Will Dubois, Callum Sambell, Mrs Hawkins, Mr Kilby, Mrs Heffernan, Suzie Bull, Felicity and Merilyn O'Brien, Edenhope Bakery, Food Works, Alex King, all of the teachers, and all of the businesses and people who bought a plate.
Special mentions for Jess Sambell and Dani Irving...Jess, where do I start, we cannot thank you enough, you were at school at 8.00am, you cut everything up for us and helped put everything onto plates. You did not leave the Canteen all day! You stayed there literally all day and when I was walking out of the food room at 3.15pm you were still there drying and putting away dishes. When we thanked you, you just said "anytime girls, thank you." We are really hoping that you will help us next year. Your Jelly Slice is amazing!! Thank you sooooooo much.
Dani, where do I start. I texted you to ask you if you could pretty please drive us around and deliver the plates of slices to all of the businesses. You just said "sure thing, I will do that." You came into school with Della screaming but you still helped us wrap up the plates. We came out to your car with a trolley from the food room with all the plates on it and you just said "OMG how are we going to fit everything in the car?" We managed to fit it all in, even though there was not much room left. After an eventful hour delivering our plates we got back to school. Thank you so much Dani.
To Gabi, Will and Callum thank you so much for helping us put everything on the plates and wrap them up, your help was greatly appreciated.
Thank you to everyone who donated food. Thank you to all of the students and staff at Edenhope College for purchasing slices, cakes, sausage rolls and quiches throughout the day.
Thank you to everyone who purchased a plate of morning tea. We hope to continue this great fundraiser next year raising money for Cancer research and we look forward to your support next year."
Chloe Dubois
"Some of us struggle in the kitchen, piling dishes upon dishes and discarding more burned and misshapen food than we ever dish up.
To us - the chaotic cooks - it is baffling to see the work of confident, capable cooks, who glide around the kitchen and tweak plates of colourful creations, until they look like artistic masterpieces.
Edenhope College kitchen, on the day of the Biggest Morning Tea, was certainly under the control of the latter.
It was inspiring to witness a small team of passionate and talented students plate up dozens of slices, cupcakes, rum-balls and cookies. It was a momentous job, but they made it look effortless.
Not only did these young girls collect orders, coordinate cooking, and carefully plate up morning tea for 100+ people - they dashed through the rain to personally deliver each love-filled package to businesses throughout the township.
As so many of us snacked on (far too many) treats that morning, it was easy to forget that every bite was raising money for such an important cause.
Congratulations girls, you'll never know the full effect of what you created in the kitchen that morning.
A truly remarkable effort, to be celebrated and certainly repeated!"
Dani Grindlay (Marley's Mum)
New Uniform
Student voice and input have driven the introduction of new school pants and shorts. These will now be navy blue with gold EC initials for all students. There are sample sizes available to try on and order at the Front Office.
Semester 1 Humanities
In Semester 1 in Humanities Yr 8, 9 and 10 the focus was on History. The Year 8s explored the Middle Ages around the world with projects on the Vikings, Knights and Japan’s Samurai. In Year 8 the class researched, created and presented PowerPoints and Posters and also a couple of castles and boats as well as armour based on the era of knights and samurai. Year 9s explored the Industrial Revolution and World War 1. The students were amazed at how life changed so much in the 19th Century and how terrible life was during the First World War, especially in the trenches on the Western Front.
Year 10s examined the causes and effects of World War 2 and the destructive nature of the Holocaust and the Atomic Bombs. In Term 2 the students discussed how Rights and Freedoms were put into law after the war and how this led to Civil Rights activism all over the world.
In primary the focus in Humanities was Geography. Year 2/3/4 researched Australia, its neighbours and South America over the semester. They looked at the different flora and fauna and compared South America to Australia.
The Year 5/6s demonstrated their research skills by researching Europe and North America and were able to explore the similarities and differences between them and Australia.
Mr Phil Irvin
Working Bee
Advanced Warning
We are planning to hold a working bee on Saturday 8th July to tidy up the Ag area and erect a new fence.
We will definitely need a Tractor, post driver, Front end loader for heap and logs and lots of helping hands.
List of jobs to be completed are
- Prune fruit trees
- Erect new plain wire fence
- Dig trench for water trough
- Remove pine logs and other rubbish
- Light heap
Please call either the front office or myself, so that we can coordinate helpers on the day.
Thank you in advance
Jane Francis and the Agriculture students.