

It was with much excitement that Mrs Rebecca Amadei announced the arrival of some new creatures in R7 – Goliath Stick Insects! Thanks to Pete and Casey (and a number of helpers), a large enclosure was constructed and placed into the Science room. It was completed with the addition of gum leaves and branches.

At the moment, there are five insects ranging from 4 months (about the size of an adult hand) to 4 weeks of age (about the size of your little finger). They can live an average of 12 months and the females can grow up to 20 centimeters long! The females can also reproduce by themselves (i.e. without a male) in a process called parthenogenesis.

Early next term, we will be looking for names for each of the insects and we are opening it up to anyone in the school community. Check the R7 window for more details.