School Councillor 


Richenda Sabo

We will be adding a profile of our parent school councillors in this

year's newsletters so you can get to know them.

A message from the 2023 School Council Vice President, Richenda Sabo


It’s hard to believe that we are nearly halfway through the year already!


I am delighted to introduce myself as part of the Carnegie Primary School Council. This is my second year as a School Councillor and I have two daughters Eva (grade 3) and Georgie (grade 1) who constantly keep me on my toes! 


I am passionate about education, I have worked in Education for over 20 years - the majority of that time at Monash University (currently in Leadership and Development within Human Resources) and believe in the power of parental involvement in shaping our children's academic journey. Together, we can make a positive impact and contribute to the overall success of our school.


We have the privilege and responsibility to contribute to the realisation of our school motto, "Welcoming, Engaging, Achieving." By actively participating in the school community, collaborating with teachers, professional staff and fellow parents, and supporting our children's educational journey, we can create an environment where excellence is celebrated and every child has the opportunity to flourish.


Join us in embracing our motto and actively engaging with the school community. Together, let's create a welcoming and inclusive environment, continue to foster a love for learning, and empower our children to achieve their dreams.


I encourage you to share your ideas and ask questions - no matter how big or small!  I can be reached at