Performing Arts

Sonia Cunado

Performing Arts - Term 2 Focus Areas

Foundation: Dance and Drama will be the focus area for term 2. In Drama, students will be introduced to Puppet Theatre, developing the use of voice and character. Students will have the opportunity to hold and interact with a variety of hand held puppets and encouraged to perform in pairs and small groups. Students will continue to learn to sing a variety of songs, participate in movement to music activities and introduced to safe dance practice. 


Year 1 and 2: Dance will be the focus area for term 2. Students will revisit safe dance practice and learn a variety of choreographed dance sequences.  Students will be encouraged to perform in pairs, small groups and as a whole class. 


Year 3 and 4: Dance and Media will be the focus for term 2. 


In Dance, students will continue to develop their understanding of safe dance practice, explore technique and learn a variety of dance sequences.  They will be given the opportunity to choreograph their own dance works and present them to their peers.  Each class will also have the opportunity to develop and contribute to a whole class project, combining elements of dance, drama and media. Students will select a song, choreograph a group dance and choose to present their performance as a pre-recorded Flash Mob or Music Video. 


A fun filled and exciting term 2 ahead!

Mrs Sonya Cunado