Primary Community News

Foundation (Prep-Year 2)

Prep/1 A has been learning and having so much fun this term!

We have learnt about community helpers at Jackson School and in outside school, such as fire fighters and the police. Prep/1 A have also enjoyed reading our books, ‘I’m a Fire Fighter’ and ‘Police Officers’.  We have focused this week on police. We have been detectives in numeracy, counting fingerprints and collecting clues. In PBIS we have been learning about respecting our school through learning to share. In RRRR we have been learning about our emotions. Prep/1 A have had so much fun in imaginative play taking turns and helping others.

We are really enjoying our time at school. 

Lower Primary (Years 3-4)

During Term 2, the 3/4 team participated in a two-week swimming program. We were given the opportunity to learn all different types of necessary skills such as; safety around water, floating, blowing bubbles, and kicking. Students even had the chance to practice different swimming strokes such as freestyle. We had a lot of fun at our two-week swimming program and look forward to it next year! 

Upper Primary (Years 5-6)

Greetings from the Upper Primary Department. The last couple of weeks have been very busy in the Upper Primary Department. Students have been encouraged to explore possible career pathways and to learn more about different occupations and look at the different roles and responsibilities we all have at home, school, work and in the community. Students have been involved in gathering information about different careers and have been engaged in discussions about skills and attributes that might be required to pursue certain jobs. Students have also been exploring why people work. Students have discovered that there are many reasons why people work - to earn money, to meets our needs, to look after family, to buy a car etc. Staff and students have enjoyed exploring this Inquiry topic. Our students are enjoying and actively participating in Friday morning fitness sessions where they have been working on physical fitness and learning to play team games. Overall a very busy and productive term so far.


Primary Students of the Week


⚫ 3/4A - Alexander - for always following instructions and completing all tasks assigned

⚫ 3/4B - Seraj - for being respectful to students and staff

⚫ 3/4C - Benjamin - for being respectful and responsible towards his teachers and peers

⚫ 3/4D - Nathan - for transitioning back into his school routine.


⚫ 3/4A – Haidah - for getting all work done and sharing toys with friends

⚫ 3/4B - Sanu - for showing independence in the morning by choosing an activity. 

⚫ 3/4C - Solaiman - for being a kind friend and completing all his learning activities.

⚫ 3/4D - Brayden - for staying in the classroom.


⚫ 4-6A - Marcus for always doing his best in class and working independently 

⚫ 4-6A - Jafeth for adjusting well to changes and trying his best to follow classroom schedule.