Meet the Team




Name:Anna Jusup
Role:Finance Manager
How long have you worked at Jackson?23 years
Where are you from?Background is Croatian, but I was born in Australia
Likes & Interests:I love watching movies and documentaries.
Dislikes:Not getting enough sleep and rude people
Favourite Sport:Soccer
Favourite Music:I love anything Elvis and all the oldies.  Also love Croatian music.


Name:Kristina Kamenar
Role:HR Manager & 
How long have you worked at Jackson?13 years
Where are you from?I was born in Croatia but have lived most of my life in Australia.
Likes & Interests:I love travelling and experiencing different cultures and trying new foods.  I like reading books, spending time with family and going to our cabin.  I also like shopping and going for drives in the country.
Dislikes:My dislikes are traffic and cold weather.  I appreciate the fact that I don't live in a country where it snows in winter.
Favourite Sport:I don't play sport but love watching the tennis especially when the Australian Open in on.  One day I would love to go to Wimbledon and watch the tennis there.
Favourite Music:I like all music and depending on my mood what I may listen to, but my all time favourite is Def Leppard.







Name:Karen Hamilton
Role:OSHC Project Manager & Attendance Officer
How long have you worked at Jackson?8 years
Where are you from?I was born in Auckland, New Zealand.
Likes & Interests:Weight Training, reading, cooking, craft, spending time with family and friends.  I also enjoy going to the theatre and ballet and volunteering at my children's sporting and dance clubs.
Dislikes:Housework, rude people and wandering around shopping centres for hours.
Favourite Sport:I love walking and swimming.
Favourite Music:Everything except Country and Western.