Weekly Take Home Reading

Reading Report

Written By: Newsletter Team

The weekly take home reading is when a class reads their take home reading every night and writes it in their diary. If a class gets the highest percent of students reading every night, they get a class certificate. When a student does their take home reading, they tick off their name on a class chart available in their classroom. At the end of the week, Mr. Taylor collects the number of nights that have been read that week and records a percentage in our whole school library. 


This week we are proud to announce that there were two classes with the highest percentage of read nights Prep A with 57.8%. In second place was prep B with 56.9% and in third place was 5/6A with 53.8%.


These are fantastic scores but as a school we know we can increase our percentages to even closer to 100%. This is a fun challenge, and we encourage all students to increase the amount of nights they are reading at home. We look forward to following each week the progress our students are making.