Sports News

Girls Year 9 - 10 Netball  

On the 17th of May two teams of year 9s and 10s attended the netball round robin at Mcleod College, while it was a hard day for both teams the girls remained in high spirits all day, managing to cheer each other on from the sidelines between games, some stand outs were Saida Larkin dominating the Centre all day and Ava McCallum in goals. The B team unfortunately had a tough draw however, the A team came away with 2 wins!  

Girls Year 9-10 AFL  

The 23rd of May was the inter round robin for the girls footy. These fantastic group of girls went into the day with nothing but positivity knowing that it was going to be a tough day due to numbers. The girls fought their way to a win against Eltham, Abbey Andrews kicking the opening goal in the first 30 seconds of the game and Ava Beck running out the mid field to secure the win. The second game was always going to be tough up against a full team of Viewbank, the Greensborough girls played with might as they came with in mere points, the buzzer beating them to it. Fantastic effort to all who played special mention to Saoirse, our ever reliable full back managing to keep Viewbank’s scores at bay.  


On Tuesday 23rd May, the 7/8 Girls AFL team competed at the annual AFLW Gala Day held at Anthony Beale Reserve. The girls have been training at various lunchtimes since the start of term. 

The girls were lucky enough to have Riley Wilcox, Western Bulldogs AFLW player- who got drafted at pick number 21 in the 2022 AFLW draft along for the day, where she helped coach the girls in both of their games. 

The girls first came up against Viewbank. After a dominant first half, where they controlled much of the game- the girls came out winners, also getting to play a lot of different positions throughout the game. 

The second game saw the girls face Charles Latrobe. Charles Latrobe were short a few players, so after the first half, Greensborough lent some players to make it a more even contest. Greensborough came away winners again, with lots of fun to be had! 

The 7/8 Girls AFL team will now advance to the Northern Metropolitan Region Finals held on Friday 21st July at CT Barling Reserve.  


Congratulations to Ashley Lansbury (Year 8) and Amity Lansbury (Year 10) who have recently been selected in the School Sport Victoria Team Vic team for swimming!! 

Ashley and Amity will travel to Sydney for the School Sport Australia National Championships on Monday 21st August- we wish them both all the best!!