Science Experiment Review 

On Wednesday the 26th of May at 2:00pm, the smell of putrid fish contaminated the Science block. 


The class of 7C were in the process of cutting open marine wildlife to discover the biology of those that live beneath the waves. 7C was delighted to have our lab technician Amany provide us with three different animals being squid, prawns, and sardines. 


We loved all the new experiences like, lab equipment, cutting open fish, looking at blood and guts and seeing what’s inside. We did not like, the squid being poor and tiny, the horrific odour, the gross texture and there was too much blood over our desks. 


In conclusion, 7C ranks the fish experiment 8.5 out of ten. We loved every moment and hope to enjoy what science offers in the future.  


Alexander Parker and Hayden Betts