Education Support Staff


Jane was a teacher at Greensborough College for many years working in the Business and Humanities teaching areas as well as being the Careers Counsellor.  In recent years, Jane has joined the Education Support Personnel team, continuing her role as a Careers Counsellor, guiding students with course selections, pathways choices and tertiary planning. The positive destinations of Greensborough College students is one of the highest in the network. Jane is the longest serving staff member having completed 31 years at the school already.   



Georgia is about to complete her first year at the College.  Georgia’s main role is as the Library Manager. She has brought so many fantastic initiatives to the library and she has created a space in the school that is central, not only geographically, but culturally, to student activity and needs. There is barely an empty spot in the library at recess or lunchtime as we see students playing games, doing crosswords, participating in clubs or doing their own thing.  Georgia’s other role this year has been as the Daily Organiser, where she manages all the staff absences for the day and has to make quick decisions, on-the-run, regularly. We thank Georgia for taking on this extra work for our school.



Sue is a long-time member of the Greensborough College staff. She was also a member of our parent community when her children were students here. Sue’s knowledge, expertise and experience in the area of Programs for Students with Disabilities has resulted in our school being able to deliver positive and successful outcomes for students of all abilities. Sue has been a valuable mentor for many of the new staff who have joined the Classroom Support Team over the years. 



Karina is in her 6th year at the College as the Student Wellbeing Coordinator. Karina is qualified in social work and her role at the College is to counsel students, coordinate the case management and referrals and deliver whole school wellbeing programs and professional development for staff. Karina is the leader of the team and she has brought together a really skilled and exceptional team of clinicians. 



We are vey pleased that Nick is now an ongoing member of our staff. Nick joined us in 2022 from Roxburgh College where he worked with young people in an alternative setting. Nick brings his social work skills with him and in his time here he has developed great relationships with the students and has had a terrific impact on wellbeing outcomes for them.  We look forward to Nick being with us for a long time.



Kathy has many years’ experience as a music teacher with her forte being Woodwind and Brass. Kathy started in term 1 at the College and she has already built up her class list of students wanting to try instrumental music. Currently she is working with her students to get them ready for the mid-year concert. Welcome to the staff, Kathy.




While Ash is not officially in Education Support Personnel, he is a regular feature of our technical support team. Ash works in IT support and assists staff and students with any IT technical issues. He is also responsible for providing the support for the school in delivering a successful Microsoft Teams and Compass platform.



Since joining our Administration team this year, Michelle has made a seamless transition into our school community.  Michelle is the Executive Assistant to the Principal team providing valuable direction and support for the team around school policies and practices. Michelle also leads our work on our social platforms, celebrating our students and school on Facebook and Instagram regularly.  Michelle has been a wonderful addition to our team.



Lauren began at our school this year as a member of the Classroom Support Team. She works in classes with students on the Program for Students with Disabilities, providing learning support for these students and being the conduit between the teacher and the students.  Lauren has also fit into the staff really easily and we look forward to her being her for a long time.



Charlie works with Ash Flentjar in the IT Department, supporting our program and helping students and staff with their IT issues and enquiries.  We welcomed Charlie to the staff this year.



Melissa has been at the College for a number of years as part of the Secondary School Nurses Program. Melissa’s knowledge, experience and expertise in the health promotions field is invaluable. She is a member of the Wellbeing team and collaborates with the team to deliver targeted support and programs to individuals, small groups and whole cohorts. Our Wellbeing Team is such a high performing team and Melissa is a major reason for this.



Robyn joined us in 2022 as part of the Mental Health Practitioner Program.  She is an Occupational Therapist by trade and is working with the Wellbeing team, counselling students at the tier 2 and 3 levels of wellbeing and delivering professional learning to staff. Robyn has been a valuable addition to the Wellbeing team since she started.



Amy is our most recent addition to staff having only started just over a week ago.  Amy will be working in classroom support and as a numeracy tutor, putting her university mathematics skills to the test.  Welcome Amy!



Amany is a highly skilled technician who provides support for Science teachers and students by preparing experiments and practical lessons in Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Psychology as well as junior Science.  Amany has been at our school for just over two years now and she has been a valuable addition to the Science team and the staff. 



Karla started at Greensborough College this year, having come to us from the TAFE sector.  Karla is one of the friendly people you will meet at reception and she works alongside the team contributing to a range of administrative tasks. One of Karla’s major roles is the administration of the VASS (VCE Administration Systems) and VET (Vocational Education and Training) processes, which has been a new role for her. Karla has also been a wonderful addition to the administration team and the College.



Robyn has been on staff for 15 years as part of our Food Technology team.  She works in the kitchen, setting up cooking classes, cleaning and ordering the food for lessons.  Robyn also provides support for the whole staff by ensuring we have milk for our tea and coffee every day. 



Ash has joined our team this year as a Literacy Tutor. He brings with him past experience in schools like ours, working with young people to build their reading and writing skills.  We welcome Ash to our school community.



Louisa joined our team late in 2022, coming to us with a wealth of administration experience in other schools. Louisa will usually be the first person you will see when you pop into the office.  Her role is to welcome visitors into the school, manage student administration and assist the team to perform a range of administrative tasks.  Louisa’s other key role is as our First Aid Officer and in performing this role she is perfect with her calm and sure manner when situations arise.  We are pleased that Louisa has joined our staff.



Kerri is the College’s Business Manager since taking up the appointment in 2020.  Kerri works closely with the Principal team to ensure that we allocate and spend resources effectively and efficiently.  As well as manage the school’s budget, Kerri is also the Human Resources manager, having taken on that role late last year.  Kerri has excellent financial acumen and she is able to ensure we are getting everything we need for our students’ learning. 



Marlee began at our school this year having been at The Concord School for a number of years.  Marlee has fitted into the Classroom Support team seamlessly and she has already built terrific relationships with the students in her classes. Marlee is not entirely new to Greensborough College. She was once a student of ours!  Welcome back, Marlee.



Colleen is in her 8th year as a staff member at the College, having started in the Classroom Support team that many years ago.  Currently, Colleen’s role is as Accounts Payable, a very important role in the administration team – Colleen makes sure we pay our bills! Colleen also works alongside the administration team receiving visitors to the school, answering enquiries and supporting students. Colleen is an invaluable member of the team with her vast knowledge and experience of our school community.



Malcolm has been a staff member for over 23 years. He is responsible for the maintenance of the grounds at the College. With all the new facilities some of Malcolm’s past workload of maintaining buildings has been reduced! Malcolm supports the school by keeping the grounds safe and clean, regularly mowing, gardening and clearing areas. During the holidays Malcolm will undertake other major projects such as painting and repairing. 



Di has a wealth of knowledge and experience in classroom support and is a leader in the area, advocating for students, modelling best practices for the new Education Support Personnel and providing careful and specific support for students with specific needs and for other students. Di has been a staff member for over 11 years and she has built wonderful relationships with students and families over that time.