Walk Safely to 

School Day

Road Safety Week 14th-21st of May

Calling all primary school parents! Consider lacing up your sneakers and walking your child to school on Friday, 19 May, National Walk Safely to School Day.


As you are aware, National Walk Safely to School Day, 19 May, is a community initiative that aims to raise awareness of the health, road safety, transport and environmental benefits that regular walking. 

Mrs Hannigan will be meeting parents and students at Peace Park (Trevenar St, Ashbury) tomorrow at 8.10 am to walk to school as a SFX community. 


This week the students have engaged in various activities to learn about Road Safety, pedestrian safety and the benefits of walking to and from school. Students from K-6 engaged in a role play about walking safely and identifying key protective factors that can keep them safe when walking and crossing roads.



Tips to get kids walking to school:

  • Walk some or if you can, walk all the way to school
  • Get off the bus, train, or tram a few stops earlier and walk the rest of the way
  • Leave the car at least 1km away from school and walk the rest of the way
  • Set your alarm 30 minutes earlier to fit in a walk to school
  • If you can’t walk in the morning, walk home after school

Join Mrs Hannigan on our walk to school morning.