Wellbeing News

Mr Nick Criniti - Coordinator

Whole school character strength: Love of learning 


Dear Parents, 


In Week 5, our school will be focusing on the Character Strength ‘Love of Learning.”

A love of learning, incorporates embracing learning experiences as a part of life where we strive to learn and grow as individuals and not only through academics. 


In our PDHPE lessons next week, students will explore the character strength Love of Learning and will be completing activities to understand its meaning and importance.


In a time of drastic change, it is the learners who inherit the future.

-Eric Hoffer


SFX Character Strength Awards 

The 24 character strengths make up a positive personality and influence our behaviours, thoughts and feelings every day. Everyone possesses the 24 character strengths in different ways, so each person has a truly unique character strength profile. 

Congratulations to the following Stage 3 students who received the Wellbeing awards using our stage assembly:

  • Joe O’Neill 5/6GBen Raad 5W
  • Henry Akle 5/6G
  • Elvin Mammadli 6W
  • Angela Bongiovanni 5/6G
  • Isla Zrilic 5W
  • Abigail Holt 5W
  • Ariana Gambacorta 6W
  • Sophia Araiji 5W
  • Sophie Forwood 5W
  • Stephan Szabo 6W