Student Representative Council

Isabella Barbera 

Religious Education Coordinator

Student Representative Council 


On Monday 15th May, the SRC Leaders had a meeting regarding our 2023 Winter Appeal. 

Two representatives, Sylvia and Roydon, Metro Schools Engagement Officers from St Vincents de Paul, came to talk to the SRC about older women being homeless. 

The engagement officers spoke about a lady called Joan who became homeless at the age of 70 and many others who are being forced to sleep rough and fight to survive. This winter, women who are mothers, grandmothers and aunts who’ve cared for others their whole lives, need our help.


Sylvia and Roydon offered the SRC many ideas about what the students and families at St Francis Xavier can do to help give the support these women need to rebuild their lives. 

In the coming weeks, the St Francis Xavier community will receive a letter via Compass regarding details about what can be contributed to the Winter Appeal.