Religious  Education


Mrs Isabella Barbera

Religious Education Coordinator

May - Marian Month

Mary Help of Christians - 24th May 

On the 24th May, we will celebrate the Feast of Our Lady Help of Christians. The feast focuses on Mary’s help to those in need through her intercession.  The establishment of the feast has an interesting history and a unique place in the Catholic history of Australia. 

Pope Pius VII established the feast in 1815, in thanksgiving for his release after imprisonment. 

Australia, a new colony at the time, had no Catholic priests and therefore no mass available. The faithful recited and relied on the Rosary to sustain the Catholic community. In 1844, Australia became the first country in the world to have Mary Help of Christians as Patroness. 


Praying to Mary is a way of being drawn towards Jesus. We pray to Mary, help of Christians, to be our guide and intercede on our behalf.

To acknowledge this special feast day, Year Three will be leading us in a liturgy on Wednesday, 24th May at our morning assembly. 

Pope Francis Award Program 


This year, St Francis Xavier will be commencing the Pope Francis Award program which involves Year Six students completing service hours in their School and Parish. 

The purpose of this program is to promote community involvement and foster a love of service, linking to our school motto, ‘Serviam’ - I will serve. The students will be involved in a range of opportunities for involvement and engagement in the school and Parish as well as authentically experiencing God in their lives. 

Once their hours have been completed, students will receive a Pope Francis medal and certificate in recognition of their service. 


Yesterday, Mrs Hannigan and I met with the selected Year Six students to discuss ways in which they can work together to show leadership of service and “give back” to others in need. 

We look forward to working with our Pope Francis Award students and to ‘Get off the couch and leave our mark’.