Learning In My Level

A celebration of what's happening across the school!

Level 3/4 News! 

What a great start to term 2 for the 3/4 teachers and students!  




Level 3 and 4 have looked at how to show integrity online. During week 3 students also participated in an incursion run by the CyberSafety Project. Sam from the CyberSafety project talked to us about the different online spaces (e.g. private, public and personal), how to recognise a scam, how to create a secure password and strategies to stay safe online.  


E-Safety webinars for parents 


If you are interested in gaining more information and tools to support your child online, the following webinars are available:  

Getting started with social media: TikTok, YouTube and Instagram – 22nd May 12:30-1pm 

ESafety 101: how esafety can help you – 24th May 7:30pm –8pm  

Setting up your child for success online – 31st May 7:30 – 8pm  

Please visit for more information:  https://www.esafety.gov.au/parents/webinars  




In Mathematics, Level 4 has explored multiplication and division. Students have learnt different ways to represent a multiplication or division equation. Such as number line, word story, split strategy, repeated addition/subtraction, array, equal groups etc. We are now starting to look at lines and angles next.  


Level 3 has also looked at multiplication and division, including representing sums in arrays, equal groups, repeated addition, partitioning and fact families. Next students will be looking at measurement and length using formal units. 


Reader’s Workshop 


In Reader’s Workshop Level 4 have looked at verbs, adjectives, nouns, the importance of ANZAC day, visualising, thick and thin questions. Students are enjoying the reading rotations and working collaboratively in their groups.  


Level 3 students have focused on visualising, the 5 senses, continuing with flashlight Friday, adjectives, verbs and questioning.  





Both Level 3 and 4 completed the whole school writing task to the prompt ‘The Winged Chair’. Students with their teachers visited the mystical chair found in a tree near the playground. In response students wrote a narrative to time.  


Level 4 will continue with their narrative focus, including looking at tightening tension, creating suspense, the story graph structure, 5+1 senses and dynamic dialogue. Our next topic is poetry.  


Level 3 has looked at recounts and narrative. Students have learnt to revise and edit their work, planning using the narrative story graph and show don’t tell. The next focus will be on persuasive writing and devices.  






In Level 4 the enrichment teachers have been focusing on the ‘day and night’ cycle unit of inquiry. Students have begun investigating how the sun sets and rises, the different cultural beliefs of day and night, the sun and moon etc.  


In Level 3 the enrichment teachers are looking at improving student's computer and research skills on the laptops. Students have learnt how to navigate the different features of Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint and are beginning to look at coding.  




Level 4 attended Scienceworks as part of the Force and Motion science unit. Students explored force and motion when creating rollercoasters in the STEM lab. Students also enjoyed the ‘Tilt’ show in the Planetarium that looked at the Earth’s axis and seasons, the other interactive sections and learning about the stars in Melbourne. A big thank you to our parent helpers who were an amazing support on the day.   


Level 4 have also been participating in science rotations to explore the topic ‘Force and Motion’. Students have coded Sphero robots with Mr Atkinson, explored Earth’s gravity with Miss Cormack, as well as friction with Mrs Mehta and Mrs Wood.  


Resilience Project & RRRR 


Level 3/4 continues with the Resilience Project lessons, whilst introducing the Resilience, Rights, and Respectful Relationships curriculum. Students are enjoying practising regular gratitude, meditation, exploring concepts like anger, identity and empathy.  





Term 2 has been busy with House Athletics and Whole School Cross Country. Well done to everyone for giving it your best go!