News of the Week

Dear Parents/Carers,
There has been a lot happening here at St Brigid’s! We hope you enjoy reading about all the events in our community and the accomplishments of our students.
Junior Mayor
Last Thursday four students- Tabitha, Camilla, Zara and Ruby attended Kingston Junior Mayor. They first of all caught the train to the Town Hall in Moorabbin where they were greeted by 26 other schools competing to be the next Junior Mayor. We were settled with lots of treats and even our own voting sheets. When schools did their presentation we were able to share our feelings about their speech. In the end, we got to vote for our favourite school. While we waited for the votes to get tallied up we got lunch and even got to ask our questions to the Junior Mayor and Mayor. Overall the day was spectacular and an amazing experience. In the end, the winners were St Joseph's Chelsea. Good job girls!
Division Cross Country
On Tuesday the 30th of May, three students attended the Cross Country Kingston Division; the students were Lucy, Mikki and Islah.
ISLAH - Islah reported back after Cross Country running saying she placed in the Top 30 which was her personal best so far. She had a superior time except for the fact that she was filled with nerves and excitement. “My biggest supporters were my family, specifically my parents helping me train for this special day.” She felt unbelievably proud. STUNNING JOB ISLAH!
LUCY - Lucy announced the day after she ran that she had relief when she saw her friends from other schools and different districts meeting up and saying hello to each other. She felt intimidated at the start line with all the other runners who had come Top 5 in their districts. “I had an enjoyable, relaxed and pressured run, but I was filled with joy when I saw my biggest supporters, Mum and Nan, waiting for me at the finish line." She mentioned that her mum helped her train, and the weight was lifted off her shoulders when she had finally leapt over the finish line. AWESOME JOB LUCY!
MIKKI - Mikki stated that she was really excited and nervous but the overall experience was fun. She was very happy with her run and was really happy with her result. Mikki said, “Mum and Dad were waiting at the finish line and cheered me on”. Her Dad helped her train and her biggest supporters were her Mum and sister. Her Dad was competitive and really wanted her to win. “I was happy I ran, especially recovering from a cold and running in the rain.“
F-4 Disco
Last Friday night the Foundation to Year 4 students had a school disco. We interviewed some children to see what they liked about the Disco. We wanted to thank the Mums and Dads who helped on the night. We also wanted to say a BIG thank you to Blake's dad Andy who was our DJ for the night. We loved the music and games he played.
Harper from FR:
Did you enjoy the disco? Yes
What did you do at the disco? Danced and played.
Are you excited about it for next year? Yes
Why did you like it? Because I played with all my friends.
Charlotte from 3/4D:
What did you do at the disco? I played games such as conga and danced to the music.
Did you have fun? Yes - lots of it.
Are you excited for next year? Yes.
Did you enjoy dancing? Yes I did enjoy dancing with all my friends.
Sonny from 1/2Y:
What did you enjoy about the disco? I enjoyed the music and running around.
What was your favourite part? Playing with all my friends and the DJ.
Gabriel from 1/2Y:
What did you enjoy about the disco? Dancing and singing with my sister and mum and wearing glow sticks.
What was your favourite part? Playing with the glow sticks.
Josh P from 3/4D:
What did you do at the disco? Everybody was dancing and having fun.
What was your favourite part? The conga line because everyone was having fun and we did limbo while we were in the line.
Did you have fun? Yes.
Inter-School Sports
Last Friday the 5/6 level went to compete with St John Vianney's in inter-school sports. The sports we played included football, soccer and netball. The soccer and mixed netball team ended up coming home with a win. The final scores for Football were 59-6, Netball girls 19-4, Netball mixed 7-6 and finally Soccer 3-1. Everyone did an amazing job. This Friday we are going to be playing Mordialloc Beach Primary School.
Life Ed
In the past two weeks all the year levels had a visit to Life Ed. On Monday we had an assembly and a student from each level came up and spoke to the school about what they learned in Life Ed. After the students spoke we had a visit from Harold Senior and he taught everyone a dance.
What was your favourite thing about Life Ed? Meeting Harold the Giraffe.
What did you do? I learnt how to make friends.
Did you learn anything new? Yes, how to make friends.
Did you enjoy meeting Harold Senior? Yes i liked watching him danced
What did you do in Life Ed? Learnt how to be kind and make friends.
What was your favourite thing? Learnt how to be a kind friend.
Did you learn anything new? Learnt how to make friends the kind way.
Did you enjoy meeting Harold senior? You enjoyed dancing, meeting and high fiving him
What did you do in Life ed? How to be nice to other people.
What was your favourite thing? How to interact with people nicely.
Did you learn anything new? How to be a kind friend
Did you enjoy meeting Harold senior? I enjoy dancing with harold senior.
Sorry Day Liturgy
Last Friday the school participated in a National Sorry Day liturgy. On the 26th of May the nation commemorates the stolen generation. We remember on this day how Kevin Rudd expressed to the nation how sorry he was for the Stolen Generation and hoped everyone had found their biological parents. Everyone was very reverent and respectful.
Running Club
This week we ran a total of 140 laps which equals 7km! This means we have run a total of 29km. We have now made it onto the Hume Hwy - we are on our way!!!
Feast of the Sacred Heart Mass - 16th June
In two weeks time the Feast of the Sacred Heart Mass will be held. We will be collecting any food donations to help support the St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal. On Thursday 15th June will be having a Casual Clothes Day - bring a donation and come to school in your casual clothes. The St Vinnies Storeroom at St Brigid's Church is almost empty. Any donations will be gratefully accepted - tinned goods, tea, coffee, breakfast cereal, personal hygiene products (toothpaste, shampoo, soap, deodorant), pasta, sauce etc. Please make sure that all donations are within the useby date. We look forward to the office being filled with donations.
We hope you have enjoyed our newsletter.
Maria, Sam, Levi, Tabitha, Xavier and Isla
Year 6 Sports Leaders
I received this lovely message from a parent last night and wanted to share it with our community:
Just a quick note to say as I was driving home from school pick up this afternoon, one of the students riding home had come off her bike on Barkly Street path.
Of course we stopped to check on her and all was fine but what impressed me was how quick all the other St Brigid's students who were riding home gathered around to help her.
This included at least 4 students who were ahead of her but stopped and came back to help. It was lovely to see them looking out for each other, boys and girls.