
All Schools MTB Event 2023
We had a team of 20 riders brave the conditions on Friday 5th May for the annual All-Schools MTB held at Trevallyn.
Our riders competed in the Cross Country event (XCO) and a time trial event down the sidewinder trail.
We had some outstanding results with 4 podium finishes!
Well done to Bailey Taylor who finished 1st in the U/17 Boys Sidewinder stage and Michel Sebastian also finished on the podium for that race, finishing in 3rd place!
Well done to Mackenzie Foster who finished 2ndin the U/17 Girls Sidewinder stage!
Well done to Tom Clayton who finished 2nd in the U/19 Boys Cross Country event.
It was a great day to be involved in and it was great to see our team enjoying being out in God’s beautiful creation on their bikes!
Thanks to Mr. McGeachy and Miss Connors who came along as staff members to assist with the day. The team members were able to enjoy the hot snags and heated marquee out of the rain at the end of their events!
We look forward to our involvement in the event in 2024!
Mr. Ryan Bosker
PE Department
LCS Hosts Forum
18th May | Our school had the pleasure of hosting a professional development day for Personal and Executive Assistants from Christian Education National - CEN schools in Tasmania.
It was a joy to spend time with professionals from Devonport Christian School, Leighland Christian School - Ulverstone & Burnie, Circular Head Christian School and Calvin Christian School.
This forum provided an amazing opportunity where wisdom could be shared and gained.
Senators Visit LCS
18th May | This week we welcomed Senator Wendy Askew and Senator Claire Chandler to LCS. These Tasmanian representatives enjoyed a tour of our growing school and met with various staff and students.
Senator Chandler taught our Legal Studies students about Federal Parliament and students took the opportunity to ask many questions about political and legal decision making.
Our Senior Students are currently learning about the Constitution and discussing relevant issues. We are grateful for the support of both Senators and value their contribution to our Civics curriculum.
Junior School Cross Country
19th May | We were blessed with a stunning autumn day for our Junior School Cross Country. The atmosphere was fun and exciting as students put their best foot forward and spectators cheered them on.
Well done to all participants and to our year level champions!
Science & Engineering Challenge - State Champions
22nd May | Congratulations to our Science and Engineering Challenge Team, who won the State Finals in Hobart at the University of Tasmania. Examples of the range of challenges they participated in include Helter Skelter Shelter, Job Juggle, Grasping at Straws, ElectraCITY, Stringways, Return to Mars, Confounding Communications and the Bridge Challenge.
The event is a wonderful opportunity for our students, and some of our year 10 participants share their experience below.
Elizabeth Sexton: The Science and Engineering Challenge was an amazing experience and it allowed me to challenge myself and build stronger connections with my peers as we worked together. We didn't know what activities we would get, or what rules would change from the regional to state challenges, and I found that this extended me and pushed out of my comfort zone. The Science and Engineering Challenge isn't just for those who are more academic, but is a really fun, practical, and valuable experience for everyone!
Esther Sharpe: The Science and Engineering Challenge was an exciting new opportunity for me to extend my knowledge, grow my relationships with my peers and challenge my leadership skills. I loved being able to complete a range of different complex activities, each with their own challenges designed to make us think. Although some of the challenges took me out of my comfort zone or challenged me in ways that I didn’t expect, I think that the Science and Engineering Challenge is an incredible opportunity for anyone who wants to get more experienced in applied science.
Vaidehi Oommen: The Science and Engineering Challenge was a fun and challenging experience that tested my leadership, teamwork, and adaptation skills. It helped me form relationships with my peers and inspired me to think about pursuing science in the future. It's a fun experience for anyone who wants to try out something more hands-on in science!
Sadie Armstrong: It was a very exciting and challenging experience, and working together with new people was extremely rewarding. Seeing so many of my peers applying themselves was inspiring.
Futsal Tournament
25th May | On Thursday 25th May, LCS entered 2 teams in the Yr. 11/12 Boys Futsal Tournament held at Elphin Sports Centre.
Each team was entered into a different pool and played 4 pool matches. Our team in Pool B was decimated by sickness in the days leading up to the tournament, but thankfully some last minute fill-ins were able to come along to ensure the team still had enough players, thanks to Josh Dean, Eden Sturdy, Alex Taylor and Will Morgan for jumping in at short notice!.
The games were of high quality, with both our teams managing to snag some wins in the pool stage. Our team in Pool A were able to go through undefeated (3 wins and a draw) to finish the top of their pool. This earnt them a spot in the Semi-Finals against St. Brendan’s Shaw College.
The Semi-Final was a tight match, with the final score ending at 1-1. The draw meant that the teams had to play extra time, golden goal (next goal wins) and we were able to secure that win in the second half of extra time, putting the boys through to the Grand Final against Launceston College.
The Grand final was a tight affair, with both teams having their chances on goal. LCS had the bulk of the shots but just couldn’t find the back of the net and LC were able to capitalise on the counter attack. LCS continued to pepper away at goal, only to find the cross bar, post and opposition goal keeper. In the end LC prevailed 4-1 to take out the Launceston leg of the Tasmanian College Futsal Titles with our boys finishing as Runners-Up. The members of our Runners-Up team were: Caleb Poole, Austin Marshall, Eddie Palmer, Ethan Bakker, Biniyam Spaulding and Diesel Murfet.
The boys on both of our teams did a great job out on the court and represented LCS well.
Well done Boys!
Mr. Ryan Bosker
PE Department
Year 7 Science - Botany Bliss
LCS Year 7 students are learning about classification in Science this term. Our Senior Laboratory Technician, Maree Lawes, is passionate about botany and was able to share her knowledge with them.
Mrs Lawes showed students how scientists classify plants, and this hands-on experience gave students the valuable opportunity to see and feel the diversity of the plant kingdom. It was an absolute joy to see students engaged and active in their learning, and LCS Year 7 Science units are filled with practical activities to foster this.
“Great are the works of the LORD; They are studied by all who delight in them.” Psalm 111:2
From the Wellbeing Unit
From time to time we become aware of excellent resources we can recommend to you.
Currently the government eSafety Commission is promoting their Parent Information around Respectful Relationships. You can access both student and parent resources/videos at and follow the links to topics such as;
- Setting up parental controls
- Digital technologies and mental health
- Cyberbullying and online drama
- Online sexual harassment and image-based abuse
As always Wellbeing staff, Michael and Angela can be contacted through the school office or email
2023 Tuition Fees
Fee notices were emailed to parents before students commenced, with payment due by the end of February. If you haven’t already done so, please pay your family’s fees by Bpay or to the School office. If you would like to pay in instalments and haven’t already arranged a Direct Debit or other payment plan, please contact Jenny on 63272854 or
A reminder that all new uniform purchases must be paid in full prior to collection, and are no longer permitted to be added to School Fee accounts.
Employment Opportunities
Uniform Matters
Please be advised that if you have a faulty polo you have until the end of Term 2 to exchange it.
Uniform Shop Hours:
Monday to Friday: 8.30-9.30am
Wednesday: 1.30pm-3.30pm
LCS Uniform Policy - Shoes
Designated sports shoes only.
Itinerant Music Teachers 2023
LCS has a number of instrument teachers who take students for individual lessons at school during school hours. This is an excellent way to learn an instrument and can help students make much faster progress on their instrument. It is recommended that student’s seriously contemplating studying music from grades 9 onwards definitely consider having some private instrument tuition to further their overall music advancement. Any student in grades 5 – 8 who are serious about starting an instrument should also have lessons in order to learn crucial proper technique early in their playing life.
Students continuing lessons from last year will be individually contacted by their teachers to organise lessons for the year.
If you would like your child to start having lessons this year, please email Mr Stewart ( and include the following details;
- Students name:
- Class:
- Instrument to have lessons on:
- Contact phone number:
- Your contact details (phone and email)
This will be passed on to a relevant teacher who will contact you for further details.
We currently have teachers available for the following instruments:
- Piano/keyboard
- Clarinet/saxophone and Flute
- Guitar
- Bass
- Brass (trumpet etc)
- Voice
- Drums
LCS Volunteer Application Form
At LCS, we believe in the importance of fostering a positive, supportive community. We believe that parents and community members are essential partners in achieving this goal, and we would like to invite you to consider volunteering at LCS. We welcome your involvement if you have a specific skill or talent to share or simply want to lend a helping hand.
If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the form below and return it to the Office/email it to together with the required documentation.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to Monica Kibbel at
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to seeing you.
Notice From Food Technology Department
The Food Technology Department would like to encourage anyone with excess produce in their gardens or orchards to consider donating them to our Food Preservation Unit.
Donating your excess produce not only helps reduce waste, but also provides a valuable learning opportunity for our students. If you would like to donate, please contact Michelle Reid at
Infectious Illnesses update
Student Bus Travel Expectations
Note for the office
Communication regarding a student’s absence needs to come via the school office. This information will then be passed on to the student’s teachers. Parents are asked where possible to telephone the school or email the office in advance when a student will be absent. If you subscribe to the mobile app, The Hub you can also lodge an electronic absentee form which will reach the office immediately. The school telephone number is (03) 6327 2854 and email is
Students who are late must sign in at the school office. Students will be issued a ‘late pass’ that must be presented to their teacher. Students who sign in ‘late’ must have a note of explanation from home. Three unexplained late arrivals will result in a detention.
Yr11/12 students that have a study period in the morning and do not attend Class Teacher must sign in at the office as soon as they arrive at school, if students have not signed in whole day absences will be on their record. Yr 11/12 students may leave the school grounds during study periods, however they are required to sign out and back in at the office. This is important, particularly in the case of an emergency, so students can be accounted for by the staff and emergency services.
Written permission is required to leave the school grounds during school hours (except Year 11 & 12). Students are to meet parents at the office. All students must use the sign out folder at the student counter in the main office. When students return to school, they should report to the student counter in the main office and sign in.
If families intend to be absent from school due to extended holidays (3 days or more), parents need to fill out in advance an Application for Extended Leave for Travel form, found under the Parents and Students/Downloads & Policies tab on our website: see Extended Leave Policy on next pages)
Should your child need to take prescribed medication at school please inform the school office. All medication, both prescription and over the counter medication, needs to be in original packaging and labelled with clear dosage instructions (prescription medication needs dosage instructions from a registered medical practitioner) and must be administered at the school office and students are not permitted to carry medication at school. Medical forms are sent home at the beginning of each school year and parents are able to indicate whether they give permission for paracetamol to be administered if required.
Students who are not in correct uniform, wrong jacket or coloured socks etc must get a uniform pass from the office. A note of explanation should be provided by parents. Three uniform non compliances, without parent explanation, will result in a detention.
Parking Policy