Diary Notes
- Thursday 8th June: Lions Club Speeches School Level Competition
- Friday 9th June 9:00 am: Learning Walk- Numeracy, Challenging Tasks
- Sunday 18th June 9:00 am: Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist
- Monday 19th June 10:00 am: Australia’s Greatest Morning Tea Hosted by St. Joseph’s
- Monday 19th June 2:15-3:15 pm: Learning Expo
- Friday 23rd June: Last Day Term Two, 2:15 pm Finish
- Monday 10th July: First Day Term Three
- Wednesday 12th July: De La Salle College Concert- Whole School at The Priory
- Friday 14th July: Winter Sports Carnival Senior Students
- Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19th July: Parent/ Teacher Interviews
- Friday 21st July: Gruffalo’s Child Production- F/1V
- Monday 7th August: School Closure Day- Staff PD Literacy Focus