Year Five/ Six

Communicating with the Year Five/Six Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2023, and welcome your input:
Llewela Humphries (Class 56A)
Melissa Woollard (Class 56B)
Stacey Bowles (Class 56C)
What will you find in this issue:
English Overview / Inquiry - Expo information / 3-6 Electives updates / Term 3 activities / 5-6 Timetables
During Term Two, students have been focusing on developing understandings and strengths in gathering information from within the texts being read. Thinking within the text refers to searching for and using information, monitoring and self-correcting, solving words, maintaining fluency, adjusting, and summarising.
Our Portfolio task has been linked to the class novel 'Fly a Rebel Flag, The Battle of Eureka', written by Robyn Annear. The students had to design a new front cover which linked in with their prior knowledge of camp and our visit to The Eureka centre in Ballarat. They also had to write a new blurb which brings the whole story together.
When looking through the below photos, you will notice many of the cover pictures are on the right and blurb on the left. This is due to the page being folded and it being designed like a book jacket.
5/6A (selection of students work)
5/6B (selection of student work)
5/6C (selection of student work)
Writing in Term Two has consisted of two main text types: Recounts and Information Reports. Both text types have had students focus on writing in the correct style with the correct language features of that given text. Focused grammar sessions are also included, focusing on sizzling starts, headings / sub-headings, sentence structures and the use of parts of speech.
Recounts needed to be in chronological order, using time connectives to join the paragraphs and complex sentences together. Detail needed to be included allowing the audience to get a perspective of what occurred on camp and how it related to their own lives. Below are a few examples of these pieces of writing.
Student selection of work
Celebration of Students work
On Wednesday 21st of June (last week of term), we will be holding an Expo celebration, where families are invited to look over your child's inquiry work. Work will be on display in all 3 classrooms and our gallery area. The building will be open till 4.30pm. This will also include viewing the Performing Arts music projects.
Year 3-6 Electives
During the term, our Year 3-6 Electives have been steam rolling along. Students have been enjoying moving around the school joining with many different students across these year levels. They have been a huge success with all kids getting in there and having some fun. Here are a few more photos of our sessions
Cooking with Mrs Woollard- little monsters / :
What's happening in TERM THREE...
Planning for next term is well underway, with many fun and engaging things happening that included the whole 5/6 cohort. Two events that we are organising at the moment that will require parent payment include: an excursion to ACMI for our Inquiry unit ( Digital / Media Arts) and our Sexual Education sessions. Further information regarding these events will come out in the following weeks. If you have any questions related to these events, after the Compass posts please email your classroom teacher.
Timetables - Term Two.
Below you will find the base timetable for our five specialist sessions. Please be aware that these times may change due to school activities.
5/6 A
Physical Education: Wednesday 8.50am - 9.40
Science: Tuesday 1:20pm
Performing Arts: Thursday 11:00am
Visual Arts: Thursday 11:50am
Japanese: Thursday 1:20pm
Science: Tuesday 11.50am
Performing Arts: Tuesday 1.20pm
Physical Education: Tuesday 2.40pm
Visual Arts: Thursday 11.00am
Japanese: Thursday 11.50am
Science: Tuesday 11am
Visual Arts: Tuesday 1.20pm
Physical Education: Wednesday 1.20pm
Japanese: Thursday 11am
Performing Arts: Thursday 11.50am