Principal's Message

Please take the time to read each page of our newsletter, as we provide you with information updates across each curriculum area.
Foundation Enrolments- 2024... Action Now Required
Do you have a kinder-aged child in your family who will be joining our school for Foundation 2024? If so, you need to act now!
Enrolment demand for our school continues to grow, and in 2024 are once again in the situation where demand is beyond available enrolment space.
This ever-increasing community demand is a testament to the growing reputation, outstanding academic results, and positive climate/culture of our school community. However, this also presents our school with the challenge of having to carefully manage our enrolments moving forward.
To assist the school in managing our out-of-zone allocations for 2024 Foundation, we require all families with 2024 sibling enrolments to action an enrolment by the end of Term Two 2023
Whilst siblings are guaranteed an enrolment, actioning an enrolment is crucial to assist us with planning staffing and classes for 2023 and beyond.
We thank families in advance for actioning this request.
Additional School Closure Day- 2023
As of April 2023, the Department of Education (DE) communicated with schools regarding the continuing allocation of a fifth school closure day (curriculum day) for all government schools. Unfortunately, this operational update was not confirmed with schools prior to April, hence we were unable to act sooner to inform our community. Please refer to the below extract:
"As part of the implementation of the new Victorian Government Schools Agreement 2022, the department has agreed that principals, through their school councils, may schedule one of the 2 common professional practice days (PPDs)for 2023 as an additional student-free day. From 2023, school councils can schedule up to 5 student-free days"
At our May School Council meeting, our School Council approved a fifth school closure day to be held on Friday 3rd November 2023.
Please add this date to your family calendar. Out of school hours care will be available on this date through our normal booking service.
This date has been selected due to limited availability of educational consultants and professional learning with local network schools.
Please note all school closure (curriculum days) are listed on out "Calendar of Events" page.
School Council- call for additional members
Due to a change in the composition of our School Council, we are looking for up to two additional parents/carers who are willing to join School Council for the remainder of 2023. This is an extremely worthwhile opportunity to become involved, and helps our school to continue our future path of improvement as we undertake actions for our new School Strategic Plan.
Due to these vacancies arising following the official nomination period, there is no formal voting nor nomination process required for these positions.
If you are interested in joining School Council, please make contact with the Principal:
The below are short administrative reminders for our school community.
Klad Sport - School Uniform Shop
Klad Sport will be closed from Friday 16th June 2023 and reopen on Monday 10th July 2023.
Masks & COVID Test
We have masks and COVID tests at the school available for families. If you or your family requires these resources over the coming Winter season, please contact the office for collection.
Lost Property
We have many items of unnamed lost property at the office. eg school uniform, plain clothes, drink bottles and containers. Please come to the office and enquire. All named items are returned to students via the teaching staff. We ask that all items that are brought to school are named correctly for easy identification.
BPAY Payments
With the introduction of Compass Education to Upwey South Primary School we will no longer offer BPay as a method of payment. Our existing payment methods of EFT, cheque and cash at the office and QKR for all our fundraising activities will continue.
Celebrating Student Achievements
We have the most amazing students at Upwey South Primary School, and quite often their brilliance extends beyond the boundaries of our school fence. With community sport, artistic endeavors and other events back in full-swing we are wanting to use our newsletter as another chance to celebrate the achievements of our students beyond the school gates.
If you know of a student who has achieved something beyond the school gates which should be celebrated, please email
Keeping Aware of Information Relating to School
As a school we work hard to keep our families informed of happenings across the school. We acknowledge that receiving information in a timely and consistent manner can help to alleviate the pressures which come from managing a busy family calendar.
Communicating via Compass
All of our school notifications are sent via the Newsfeed within the Compass app. There is also a calendar of events within the app, which sends push notifications to users to remind them of school events.
We continue to utilise Compass for families to consent and pay in order for their children to take part in school events.
In order to filter notifications which are received, you will notice that we send out notifications which are year level specific. This means that sometimes not all notifications are sent to all year levels.
Administration Reminder
Please be reminded that if you need to collect your child/ren early, please contact the office when you are five to ten minutes away so we can have them at the office for collection.
Communicating with the School Administration Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2023, and welcome your input:
Damien Kitch (Principal)
Janet Young (Business Manager)
Janette Clarke (Office Manager)