School Incursion

Empower, Educate, Engage

Living Culture Icursion

The following recounts are by some of our 3/4 students:


On Monday we had an incursion. We learned that a didgeridoo is actually called a yidaki plus we got to hold clap sticks, possum skin, and alot more. We were lucky enough to meet 2 people named Skyla and Lionel. Later we played a game where I had to be an eel and Lionel was playing the yidaki. We talked a lot about ants and then we did a long peaceful meditation and finished off by talking about how to get on their website called living cultures. By Hendrix C



On Monday 15th May, we had an incursion with some people who taught us about Aboriginal life. 

Their names were Lionel and his daughter, Skyla. She taught us how to say some things. Eg: Mirrabooka. (Mi-rah-boah-ka)

Then they showed us lots of things. Eg: Tools, Games & How their art looked. My favourite thing was the furry cloak. It looked SO warm! Next, we did some… ABORIGINAL DANCING! We each got numbered and got an animal. I was an Emu! (I can’t remember my number) I also was a woman, who took care of the children and picked berries. Lastly, Lionel played the Yidaki. (That’s a Didgeridoo) We meditated, and he healed Hendrix (Other class) & Ruby R. He also told us to acknowledge nature, which I think everybody should do.  By Imogen D


On Monday 15th of May we had an incursion at our school. Living cultures visited and their names were Skyla and Lionlel, they taught us how they collected food and how they lived. They showed us Yidaki. It makes a very deep noise that sounds very interesting. Lionel told us it's not just for making music, it is actually used as medicine for stress, Insect bites and to remove the bad stress from your body. Then we had a meditation. It was super good. Later on we learnt about the digging stick that the women used to make good soil for their crops to grow. Finally, Skyla told us that when some animals go into soil they would break their legs because of how soft the soil was, but today the soil is very compacted because before it had a lot of air but the animals compacted it so much that the crops could not grow.   By Kellsey A


On Monday 15th of May at 9:50 to 10:50 the year 4s got to go on an incursion. The incursion was run by Living Cultures, it was hosted by Skyla and Lionel. We got to hold a lot of different things like a boomerang, a giant boomerang, a Brushtail possum skin and a ball from a game with 150 people on each team, there was also a digging stick. When we went back we did meditation and there was lots of talking about ants. Ants build their homes higher off the ground when it is going to rain. Finally, Lionel used his yidaki to heal and remove bad stress.  By Josh D


Mr Matthew Ferguson