Message from

the Deputy Principal 

Mr James Boyd

End of Term 2 Arrangements

I am writing regarding the end of Term 2. I am not wishing the term away, just hoping that the information below will assist with planning. 


The final day of term is Friday 18 June and this is a full teaching day, given the Queen's Birthday long-weekend is the week preceding. As such, lessons will continue as per normal and there are also assessment deadlines to be met for year groups. Friday 18 June is not a ‘travel day’: Boarders are expected to remain until the conclusion of the school day. Exceptions to this will be for Boarders who only have the option to travel home on NSW Trainlink services or on flights that depart on Friday 18 June – leave must still be applied for through the normal channels.


The School is trialling a bus service from Orange to Dubbo on the afternoon of Friday 18 June for those who wish to travel to Wellington or Dubbo and be collected by parents from there. This service will depart from School at 3.00pm and will stop at Wellington at 4.15pm (approx.) and Dubbo at 5.20pm (approx.).  Further information will be shared shortly by Mr Begg and Mrs Whittemore regarding logistics and the booking of transport.


The Boarding Houses will remain open until 11am on Saturday 19 June.

Conversations about Consent

Please can I encourage you to read Mrs McCalman’s article in this week’s bulletin regarding the work that is occurring in our Senior Years on this important topic. Further information will be shared by Mr Riley and the Wellbeing Team about the forthcoming plans for Years 7-12. 


There have been a raft of articles and comments shared online, in newspapers and on television: this has generated significant discourse and debate. It is important that we take a collaborative approach and work in partnership with parents and carers on this matter if we are to make progress as a community. We will shortly be extending an invitation to parents and carers to join us in helping to shape our next steps, both here at School and also at home. This goal is to help our students develop skills and coping mechanisms to handle the challenges of contemporary society.