Year 6 Report


End of Term


In Reading we will be exposing the students to a number of persuasive texts to immerse them in the structures and features. This will allow all students to identify the elements and techniques that make a text most persuasive, and will lead naturally to the construction of their own persuasive pieces. We will be guiding the students in choosing texts to read that are ‘Just Right’ for them, and assisting them in developing routines for becoming independent readers. The purpose behind this is to instill a genuine love for reading in our children by allowing them to have more choice in what they are reading. 


A couple of examples of picture story books that were used to make connections and predictions about what we were reading. We chose a number of books about immigration that were integrated between our reading, writing and inquiry topics.



In Writing, the Grade Sixes will continue their focus on and development of Persuasive Writing. The VCOP program (which focuses on vocabulary, connectives, openers and punctuation) will continue to be a part of the writing process. The major focus will be on the students developing the depth of structure and features that make a good persuasive text. The children will be encouraged to choose topics on which they have an opinion and about which they are passionate. Later in the term we will by studying and writing poetry, with a focus on cinquains and other formulaic styles.


An example of a persuasive text. Some students have copies of persuasive texts they have written and edited on OneNote. 



In Maths we will begin to focus on data collection, including tallying, tables and the creation and reading of graphs.  Students will solve problems that involved time elapsed, working at their own level.  We will learn how to add and subtract fractions that have the same denominator, as well as related denominators.  Students will be required to find the fraction of a group or amount.  They will also use their knowledge of decimals to help them solve problems relating to measurement and conversions.



An example of reading and interpreting information on a graph. Some students have examples on OneNote.





Our inquiry topic this term will be Humanities based, focusing on the reasons for migration to Australia and how the arrival of people from different parts of the world has shaped our country.


An example from one student about his thoughts on immigration and the contribution immigrants have made to Australian Society through classroom discussions and independent research. 






  • School start at 8:50 and finishes at 3:10
  • 14th May - Application for Year 7 forms to be returned

The Grade Six Term, 

Shane Penhall, Kathy Garita, Andrea Joannidis & Kim Walker.