Year 4 Report

Term 2, 2021


In Reading this term, the Grade 4's have explored what it is to be a fluent and accurate reader, using various comprehension strategies that helped them develop a good understanding of the texts.  We learned how to identify the different types of questions  that enhanced their understanding of the text.  These included; making connections using prior knowledge and experiences. During reading sessions students participated in small focus groups and individual conferences while working towards their personal reading goals.

Students have developed and increased their reading stamina by choosing 'Just Right Books'.  


Students having fun with practising fluency strategies.
Students having fun with practising fluency strategies.


The Grade 4's have worked on persuasive writing, looking at structure and language features that help persuade an audience. They were encouraged to include  hyperboles,  emotive words, sentence starters and connectives. While developing a series of logical arguments within their writing. This was a great opportunity for the students to express their opinions and also incorporate research in order to support their arguments. 

Throughout all this wonderful learning, the students continued to work through the stages of writing and apply the skills of planning, revising, editing and publishing.



In Mathematics, Grade 4's have focused on Addition and Subtraction problems, developing and consolidating the use of efficient mental and written strategies.  Students have developed and applied their understanding of doubles, near doubles, round and adjust, give and take, split and jump strategies to problem solve.

The Grade 4's have explored other areas such as money, chance and probability, angles and symmetry.


This Term, the Inquiry unit for Grade 4 was, 'Making Democracy'.  Students strengthened their understanding of the three levels of government and the responsibility of each. Students were given the opportunity to follow the process of creating and passing a new law. 


  • Parent Teacher Interview will be held on the 23rd and 24th Of June
  • Term 3 starts on the 12th of July
  • Schools starts at 8.50am and ends at 3.10pm
  • Camp date is the 21st to the 23rd of July

Thankyou for all the hard work, especially during the lockdown.

Enjoy the break, see you back in term 3.


The Grade 4 team,

Carla Asta, Grace Rosella, Jess Baido, Natalie Squatrito and Amanda