Year 1 Report

Term 2 2021

Term 2

Well done to all the Grade One students for completing another interesting and enjoyable term! We wanted to give a special thank you to all parents and care givers who assisted their children in learning during lockdown this term. We wish you all a safe and happy break and we can't wait to see you in Term 3!


In Numeracy, Grade One students have consolidated their understanding of addition and subtraction using concrete materials and mental strategies. Students enjoyed creating their own addition and subtraction stories with M&Ms and Skittles. They played games involving taking away and adding more using tens frames, counters and unifix blocks and practiced counting on and counting back in their head. Directional language was explored through playing games where students needed to give directions to a partner that involved distance, turns and direction of movement. 

Students participated in a buddy activity with the Grade Five students where they created directions in a Minecraft world for a friend to follow. They were able to use location words to create their directions as well as interpret them to navigate through the Minecraft world. 

During remote learning students measured length using informal units, using their hands and feet and estimated and compared the length of household items and furniture. They also revised the duration of time with a particular focus on the difference between one second and one minute. Students were able to time themselves completing different activities for one minute and one second and make comparisons about which time frame was the longest.  


In Reading, Grade One students have continued to work on their independent reading and reading stamina each day. During this time, students are now reading their ‘Just Right’ books for 10 to 15 minutes. They have been exposed to further memoir texts and rich literature such as ‘Edward the Emu’ and ‘Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day’ during each reading session. 

Students have learnt and practiced numerous strategies to use when stuck on tricky words. Some of these strategies are, using the picture, getting their mouth ready to make the first sound and sounding out the letters for each word. Students have been able to identify transitional words in memoir texts whilst reading and have then used these words in their writing. They have also discussed their own experiences and knowledge in relation to mentor texts and have made a range of personal connections. 

During remote learning students listened to and read their own picture story books. They were able to identify text to self, text to text and text to world connections to each story. Towards the end of term students began working on fluency when reading and practiced using expression in their voice when different types of punctuation was used.   


In Writing this semester the Grade One students have continued to write about personal memories linking their ideas with the use of transition words. Next students were introduced to revising and editing their writing with a particular focus on accurate spelling of the Oxford Words, correct use of punctuation and ensuring that their writing makes sense. Students also continued to take part in range of Word Study activities such as handwriting, sound investigations and language experiences whereby students participated in crafts including making paper planes, a unicorn mask and a standing 'Elmer’ elephant. During remote learning students were given the opportunity to complete a personal recount, practice their Oxford Words using the Look, Say, Name, Cover, Write Check process and to write a story about a topic of their choice.  

At the end of the term students celebrated their writing achievements by publishing a chosen piece with the assistance of the Grade 5 students. 


In Inquiry, students have been continuing to learn about their local community, with a particular focus on sustainability, e.g., how to look after their community and local environment. This component was completed during remote learning and most students did a remarkable job at creating sustainability posters which demonstrated their understanding about what they could do with their families to help look after their community and local environment.  

Finally, in the last week of this term, students will be going on a local walk around the Roxburgh Park area to identify key aspects of our school’s local community and environment. Students will then share their findings with their teachers and peers and possibly complete a recount to reflect on their local walk.  Students have thoroughly enjoyed this Inquiry Unit and we are pleased with the work they have produced, including these sustainability posters students had shared via Teams during remote learning!  



  • School starts at 8:50 and finishes at 3:10 - please make sure you are on time
  • Red folders are to be returned to school each day for notes and home readers to be changed over
  • Please provide, fruit snack, lunch and recess snack each day
  • Please bring a water bottle each day for use in class
  • Use the SENTRAL app to notify the school of any absence
  • Parent Teacher Interviews will be held on the 23rd July.


The Grade One Team 

Katherine Richardson, Emily Routley, Rosie Borg and Melissa Fitzpatrick.