Prep Report


Congratulations to the students, parents and families for making it through yet another unpredictable Term in 2021. We thank each and every one of you for all your support and understanding. We look forward to a safe, productive and exciting Term 3! 




In Reading this Term, Prep students explored and compared features of both Fiction and Non-Fiction texts. Students were able to apply their prior knowledge to retell important facts from non-fiction texts and summarize new information learnt after reading. Students were able to form questions before, during and after reading and understand that Non-Fiction text assist us to learn more about a topic. Students continued to practice their Oxford words, learning four new words a week and enjoyed spotting them in their daily reading books.





In Writing this Term, Prep students were able to recount their language experiences based on the letter of the week. Students continued to practice rehearsing their message prior to writing, drew a picture to accompany their writing, practiced labeling their picture, and were able to apply their knowledge of their letter-sounds and relevant punctuation to further support their writing.




In Numeracy this Term, Prep students were able to practice naming, comparing, ordering and making numbers 0-10. Students focused on counting forwards and backwards using vocabulary such as more than or less than. Students used concrete materials to support their understanding and were able to demonstrate by using concrete materials independently when making the numbers. This term, students practiced identifying and ordering ordinal numbers between 1st-10th. Students were also able to identify and create patterns in different forms (colours, shapes, pictures and numbers). The topic of statistics and probability facilitated student discussions resulting in yes or no answers. Students were able to ask questions, record and analyse their results through tallying and turn their results into graphs to later be interpreted. 



In Inquiry this Term, Prep students were able to identify 'healthy vs unhealthy' food and understand how our bodies change and develop over time through the topic of 'Be Healthy, Get Active.' Students could understand the importance of a healthy, well balance diet and enjoyed sharing what their favourite fruit and vegetables are. 



  • School starts at 8:50am and finishes at 3:10pm
  • Take Home Readers (Red Folders) will go home every night and are to be returned to school every morning. Readers will be changed on a Friday and handed back out on a Monday
  • Students to bring fruit and labelled drink bottles everyday
  • Use the SENTRAL app to notify the school of any absence.

The Grade Prep Team

Maria Neocleous (Miss. Neo) and Laura Finnigan (Miss. F)