Year 11 update

Wellbeing program

Students in Year 11 have engaged in some interesting presentations and workshops as part of their Wellbeing program for Term 2. This has included financial literacy and sex education.

Financial literacy

Students took part in two sessions facilitated by ‘Stiletto Staircase’, a financial literacy consulting group who specialise in Life Skills and Financial Basics presentations for teens and young adults. These sessions focused on short and long-term goal setting and day-to-day savings techniques. Reading payslips, superannuation, saving for a deposit and expenses associated with renting. This information and the skills the girls developed, will be invaluable as they enter the workforce and become more independent.

Sex education

Sex Education Australia presented two sessions for students in Year 11. The focus was on their rights and responsibilities in terms of sexual harassment and assault and an opportunity to answer students’ questions in relation to relationships and sexual health.

Next term

The focus next term is on service learning and career skills. Students will engage in a service learning project where they will work in groups to raise money for a worthwhile project. They will also be given the opportunity to complete a Virtual Work Experience project, on which they will receive feedback from external facilitators. This will be a good addition to their resume, particularly as they were unable to complete work experience in 2020. We will also continue to focus on strategies for students to use in managing their wellbeing and their academic program.


Cath Freney

Year 11 Coordinator