Junior School Sport

SYDSA Cross Country

SYDSA Cross Country

On Monday 24 May, 30 students from Years 3–6 headed to Fawkner Park to represent Shelford at the South Yarra District Sport Association (SYDSA) Cross Country Carnival. The conditions were perfectly sunny without a puff of breeze.


Each age group performed unbelievably well as a team, whilst some individual students completed their race finishing in the top 10. These results were a credit to how hard the team trained with Mr O’Connell, and the commitment that the girls showed in turning up to all sessions. For some students, this was their first interschool competition and they certainly did not let the nerves show. The team performed with determination and displayed resilience to fight through fatigue and exhaustion to keep on running.


Congratulations to the 30 girls who made up the Junior School SYDSA Cross Country team placed 2nd out of 7 schools! We are incredible proud of all of you.

Overall girl’s aggregate points

  1. Ruyton
  2. Shelford
  3. Westbourne
  4. Christchurch Grammar
  5. St Leonards
  6. St Michaels
  7. Wesley
Mr O'Connell
Mr O'Connell

A big thank you to Mr O’Connell for the time he put into training and supporting the team to reach their fullest potential.


Natalia and Sofia in Year 6 are progressing to the Beachside Division Cross Country Carnival. We wish them the best of luck for whenever this event is rescheduled.


Ingrid Davis

Head of Health, Physical Education and Physical Wellbeing