Wise words with...

Mrs Thompson | Head of Christian Teaching and Learning

The Privilege of Working in a Christian School


'The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge' Proverbs 1:7


I’ve been very encouraged by a new approach that our school has applied this year to staff devotions and student secondary devotions during AM. In keeping with the theme of 'God’s Big Rescue', we have explored what the Bible has to say about God’s plan to restore relationships with those who have rebelled against Him. From the beginning of the year we have been working our way through the Bible, beginning at Genesis. This week we began to consider the Proverbs of King Solomon. 


I have been thinking about the importance of not just knowing about God but actually knowing God. This knowledge is the knowledge that brings true wisdom. There’s so many competing voices that we could listen to. Yet Solomon tells us if we desire wisdom we will listen to God and fear Him. Wisdom is merely seeing life from God’s perspective and responding accordingly. 


As I consider my role of Christian Head of Teaching and Learning, a goal I share with staff is that students at Nowra Christian School know the Bible. We believe God speaks through His word so it is vital that we engage with His Word. Biblical perspectives have been a part of programming in all subjects and the focus of lessons since our school began. We have emphasised this year the importance of ensuring our knowledge of the Bible  impacts our lives. Students have been encouraged to ask the “so what?” question. If God’s word is true how does that impact our response to the issues we are learning about? Essentially we are seeking to apply a Christian worldview to our subject content. 


This term, after Monday Secondary assemblies, the prefects have initiated a time to 'stay and pray'. It has been so encouraging to see students stay after the assembly to pray in year groups. Prayer is a recognition of our dependence on God. It is also an acknowledgement that as we seek to be wise, the path to wisdom lies not in beginning with ourselves, or focusing on ourselves but rather beginning with and focusing on God. True wisdom lies in knowing ourselves and humbling ourselves before God.  


It is a privilege to teach at Nowra Christian School where the nature of true wisdom is recognised as being found in the fear of the Lord. My prayer for our students and our school community is that we will together grow in our knowledge and fear of the Lord. Then we will be able to face the joys and challenges that life brings as wise people who live lives that please Him.