Teaching and Learning
Room 7
Since the beginning of the year room 7 students have been learning how to plan effectively in order to write well thought out narrative texts, and then to create them using the Seven Steps resource to make them engaging. We also edit our narratives throughout the process, as well as when we have finished. Editing is a really tricky new skill that we are learning about, but we are doing a great job! The steps that we have focused on so far are; planning for success - this helps us to stick to the storyline and organise our stories into paragraphs, sizzling starts, and exciting endings. We hope that you enjoy reading some of our stories!
Sammy Fairweather
Japanese News
Did you know that May 5th was Children’s Day in Japan? It's a day when parents celebrate their children and make wishes for them to grow up and be strong and healthy. Two key symbols for this celebration are the 'koi' fish and the samurai warrior as they both embody strength and courage. Some of the classes have already been busy this term, making origami samurai helmets (kabuto) and carp kites (koinobori) while learning about this cultural event. Room 7 & 8 have been extra busy making mini origami samurai helmets to use as the scales on their class' vey own 'koi' fish!
Science News
This term has been an interesting one so far.
The JP students have been learning about light. They created translucent lead lighting patterns using tissue paper. They look wonderful against the window!
The lower primary students have been doing some interesting experiments on the transfer of heat. Did you know that metal feels colder than plastic when you touch it? It is actually the same temperature but because it is a good conductor of heat, it is able to transfer the heat from your hand much faster than plastic can!
Middle primary students have completed some wonderful diagrams drawn to scale of our solar system. Don’t they look fantastic?
Upper primary students have been learning about balanced and unbalanced forces. They did an experiment on the impact of friction on different surfaces and discovered that the force of friction changes depending on the type of surface.
Learning has been fun in Science this term - especially with such clever little scientists in the making!