West Beach Wrap
Staff Profile
Name: Jenni Ritchie
Something interesting about you: I was very lucky to have experienced a flight on the Concorde Aircraft. It had a maximum speed of twice the speed of sound, flew very high 65,000 feet. When I looked out the window I could see the curvature of the earth which made me feel like I was travelling in outer space, or as close as I was ever going to get to space travel!
What class: Front office
Previous School (s): I was previously employed in the corporate travel industry, West Beach Primary School is the first school I have worked in.
Where you grew up: Henley Beach South
Hobbies: Walking my gorgeous greyhound dog.
What you like about West Beach: WBPS has a lovely community feel. I am very lucky to have been given such a warm welcome from all the staff, students & school community.
Bunnings Warehouse Sausage Sizzle Fundraiser
WBPS fundraising committee have arranged a sausage sizzle at the Airport Bunnings
Saturday 29th May 2020
Volunteers Required
Please see flyer for more information.
Add your name to the poster in the front office.