The Sacred Heart of Jesus

Last Friday, 11 June, was the feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Year 9 lead the Mass with Year 10 also attending. The Year 9 classes prepared the Mass by choosing the music, writing the Prayers of the Faithful and giving a lovely explanation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the introduction. 


'Today is the Feast Day of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. This feast day is celebrated on the Friday of the third week after Pentecost and has particular significance to our church for we take our name from it - we are the Sacred Heart Church of Inverell. 

As you may know this picture is of Jesus shows his sacred heart.

Jesus' heart is adorned with the crown of thorns and a cross sits on top of it. The heart is surrounded by rays of light, there is a cross at the top and finally the most dramatic characteristic of the sacred heart is - it is on fire. 

But why is this? Why is the heart set on fire? There are three reasons behind this.

  • First we must remember that Christ’s sacrifice on the cross references the sacrifices of the Old Testament. This necessarily includes burnt offerings. 
  • Second, fire is always associated with the presence of God in the Old Testament. Think back to the burning bush that spoke to Moses. 
  • Finally, the image of fire associated with the heart of Christ represents Christ’s passionate love for all humankind. 

So we ask you to stand and join us in the celebration of this Mass in honour of the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.'

Year 6 RE Test

The Year 6 RE test is Thursday, 17 June. All Year 6 students in the Diocese of Armidale will complete the test. The online test consists of 30 multiple choice questions covering content students have learnt throughout their Catholic Education. We wish our students all the best.


The NAIDOC 2021 theme – Heal Country! – calls for all of us to continue to seek greater protections for our lands, our waters, our sacred sites and our cultural heritage from exploitation, desecration, and destruction.

NAIDOC Week will be held from Sunday 4 July to Sunday 11 July, though at school we will hold activities during Week 10.

First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion

Baptised Catholic students in Year 3 (or those students who have missed the sacrament in previous years) have the opportunity to make their First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. This year the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be during the week of the 9-12 August and First Holy Communion will be held on the weekend of the 14/15 August 2021. Specific dates and times will be confirmed when the number of children making these sacraments is known.

There will be two parent information sessions in Week 1 of Term 3, and families are strongly encouraged to attend a session. Wednesday 14 July at 1:10pm or Wednesday 14 July at 6:00pm. These will be held at Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Children are NOT required to attend. 

Further information about the Sacraments will be given out at the information sessions. If you have any questions about the upcoming sacraments, please do not hesitate to contact me at school.

For the Calendar

Term 2 2021

17 June - Year 6 RE Test

Week 10 - NAIDOC Week 

Term 3 2021

14 July - First Communion Information Sessions. 1:10pm or 6pm at SHC

23 July - 4/5D Mass 9:15am at SHC

Week 3 - Marriage and Family Week

30 July - 1D Liturgy 9:15am at SHC

               - Grandparents Day

6 August - 5/6A Mass 9:15am at SHC

13 August - Year 7 Mass 9:15am at SHC

14/15 August - First Communion TBC


Enjoy the week and wishing you all a restful holiday,

Mary-Jane Guest

Religious Education Coordinator