Principal's Report

Welcome Back to Term 3
Welcome back. Isn't it amazing how quickly the years go by. This term we have so many exciting things happening. Science Week, Grade 3/4 camp, Learning with Harold, prep transition and so much more.
We look forward to a great term of learning at Upper Gully. Don't forget that you are welcome in our school and classrooms at any time we always have room for members of our community to support our students learning.
New Staff Welcome
As often happens in any work place we have changes to staffing. In schools we work hard to ensure that any changes to staffing are as smooth as possible.
We welcome Lisa Maxwell and Sophie Hendricks to our Foundation class. Sophie and Lisa have both worked in the prep class this year supporting Sarah and the students know them both really well. They are looking forward to working together and learning with our Foundation students.
We welcome Sarah Sussman and Amy Cheers into the 5/6 class. Sarah is an experienced teacher and Amy and Sarah have already started working together to ensure that the rest of the year runs smoothly and learning takes place in the senior school.
Good Luck Sarah
We wish Sarah Davidson and Clyde Davidson all the best for the arrival of their baby. An exciting time for anyone we will farewell Sarah and wait arrival of a new baby. Good luck Sarah.
PFA Trivia Night
Just a reminder that the PFA are having a trivia night this term. It is a great way for parents to socialise together and enjoy the fun of getting to know the school community. We hope you can come along for a fun evening. Just book at the school office.
Have a great week everyone.