School Council

From the President
For those of you who don't know me, I'm Karen Coulson, and have just recently taken up the role of School Council President. By way of introduction, I have 3 children, all of which went through Upper Ferntree Gully Pre-school, and now two of them are settled into high school at Upwey High (years 10 and 7). My son, Liam, is now in Grade 4. I have been a member of our School Council for a number of years (I've honestly lost count), and held a numerous roles within that time, including Secretary and Vice President. I have also actively been involved in our 100 years celebration held a few years ago, and get involved in other activities where ever time allows. I originally joined our school council out of a drive to wanting to understand how a school runs, and how, as parents, we can be involved and help to guide and improve our children's experience at our lovely school.
School Council is an integral part of our school's behind the scenes mechanisms. We have input to, and approve, school policies and procedures, approve spending and budgets, and are ultimately responsible for things like our independently run Out of Hours School Care program.
There are many things we discuss at school council meetings, including sub-committees like Building and Grounds, Education, PFA and Finance. We tend to be an eclectic mix of individuals who all bring different experience and values to the table.
Our School Council is made up of our Principal (Tabitha O'Brien), 2 Education staff members (Danielle Donovan & Stephanie Davies), and parents. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome our new School Councillors for 2019, Renee, Carl and Melissa, and welcome back Malcolm (Vice President), Sally (Treasurer), Rozanne (Secretary), & Cathy.
If you have any questions about school council, please feel free to stop me if you see me around, or speak to Tabitha directly. I'll endeavour to communicate regularly on all things school council throughout the year.
Karen Coulson”