From the Italian Class Room 

From Rose, Italian Teacher 


In Prep,  Italian classes this term we have been reading a book ‘Mangia Mangia’ (Eat, Eat) about a little boy who sneakily tries to skip his dinner by feeding it to his cat. He does this because he can not wait to eat bread and Nutella for dessert and he doesn’t want to spoil his appetite for it. The first course the cat Miccio is served is minestrone.


The Prep students have followed a recipe in Italian to make their very own Minestrone. And when they weren’t cooking with pasta they were creating artwork with it.


A big thank you to all of the Prep students and carers for making this term of Italian successful despite learning remotely. Grazie mille!



 Art made in the kitchen

NMPS Commedia dell'Arte activities feature in the Il Globo Newspaper