Wellbeing News

Transition Back to School
How to help your child transition back to on-site learning
Dear families and carers,
See here for tips from Beyond Blue on how to address any worries your teen may have & help them get back into routine in the lead up to on-site learning.
Click here for return to school resources from Amaze, including FAQs for students with diversabilities, checklists for parents and a social script that explains what this term might look like.
New Wellbeing Team Members
We are pleased to announce that our College Wellbeing Team has gained four wonderful new team members.
Adolescent Health Nurse, Pam Grech will work across all three campuses in a health promotion role.
We have also gained 3 Mental Health Practitioners, as part of a DET funded initiative. Emily Gascoyne (Kings Park), Jasmine Warren (Sydenham) and Rachel Morrison (Delahey) will be involved in contributing to whole-school approaches to mental health prevention and promotion, and providing direct counselling to students experiencing mental health problems.
Ms Sarah Pearson