College Principal Message

It has been a very big year with some significant events, including but not limited to, the new Strategic Plan, responding to the COVID situation, and the renovation at Delahey.
The event with really positive and long-term implications was the Review and the development of our new Strategic Plan. Sadly, much of the excitement built around that was lost in the wake of the pandemic, with lockdowns marring not only the review days themselves but the launching of the new plan. We have still not been able to have an in person whole college staff session to discuss its implementation. We have, however, been courageous in running online events to launch it as has our Instructional Leadership Team in its work translating the goals and strategies into actions.
We have made some significant moves on our goals. Goal 1 is about ‘improving student learning growth’ and student agency with the college’s Professional Learning Community as the centrepiece. The Learning Specialist (Building Practice Excellence) team is developing a tight plan in response to a Professional Learning Team staff survey.
Goal 2, ‘empowering all students to aspire and achieve’ is connected to Goal 1 but involves an additional range of groups. Our attendance data is relatively poor in comparison to network schools and is a particular focus. A team of Campus Principals is developing a multi layered approach to improve attendance which will involve the development of differentiated processes in response to absences and in turn, communication to students and families, school staff, and external agencies. They are working with the Campus Leaders, Team Leaders and ES staff on this.
The Pathways Strategic Plan group is reconfiguring how to enhance students’ and their families’ understanding of pathways options both within and beyond the school. Improvements in students’ transition between junior and senior campuses is also a focus, all of which have been responded to in a series of recommendations. We now have two Year 7 and 8 Team and Transition Leaders who will also work with our new Marketing and Communication Officers. The Strategic Planning group’s recommendations are also being incorporated into new role descriptions for our Pathways staff and will mean the recruitment of extra staff.
Goal 3 is about ‘fostering the social and emotional wellbeing of all students’. Again, a group of Campus Principals along with the Wellbeing team is working on this. A working party is being established to plan our approach to reach every student.
After such a year I am extremely pleased with the good will, good faith and progress we have made towards achieving our new goals and would like to thank everyone, particularly the Campus Principals, for their commitment, vision and leadership.
On a different tack, The Delahey renovation also has long term and positive implications and has created an attractive and more comfortable learning environment for everyone. Thanks to Renato Carinci who has worked tirelessly on this project.
COVID of course has had a huge impact, not so positive. Our families, students and staff have responded very well to the demands the lock down put on them. Our Year 12s have been incredibly stoic and can only be congratulated on this as well as enduring exams amidst the threat and the drama of sitting them in the “PCC room” with invigilators wearing full PPE. The return to onsite school has been very smooth in comparison to last year, which is testament to our student managers and Campus Principals and their proactive approach, as well as our students of course.
We have a significant number of long-term staff leaving us this year. Much of the movement has to do with people reassessing their goals and priorities because of COVID. This accounts for sixteen staff members, both ES and teachers. Some are retiring, some are moving permanently to other roles, and some are taking short term positions in other settings citing travel time as a big motivator. On Friday December 10 we are hosted an afternoon tea for those who are retiring to celebrate their professional achievements. Those who accepted the invitation were Judy Scarfe, Adrian Davies and Jane Symons. Other long term staff retiring are Mira Starek, Donna James (Librarian), Carmen Tamburro and Joyce Pannuccio.
We were very excited to see our Grade 6 on December 7 for their Orientation Day and of course, December 16 is the big day for Year 12 VCE students with their results being released.
Course Confirmation for Year 9 students going into Year 10 is a new event this year. We are making appointments with all Year 9 families to come in to confirm that they understand what electives their child has for 2022, which is a conscious effort to support family involvement, and to encourage Year 9 students to take Year 10 seriously. Our pathways staff will be at the ready to offer further advice if required.
I would like to thank the staff members who took the time to nominate students for Western Chances Scholarships. This year, between them, 23 students were nominated and 20 have been successful. That is wonderful for the students and their families. It’s more than money, it provides students with a far reaching network that goes beyond school.
I also thank our College Council whose members have been interested, supportive and encouraging throughout this turbulent year.
It has been a very challenging year for all of us, however I am proud of how we have responded as a school, and a community and very much look forward to a year where we can focus exclusively on achieving our Strategic Plan goals and living our values of Collaboration, Inclusiveness and Growth.
Best wishes for the holiday season from everyone at the college.
Pip Griffiths
College Principal