PFA News

School and Kindergarten PFA Meeting

The current PFA committee would like to welcome and thank those who attended the meeting on Monday 17th February.  The next PFA meeting will be the Annual General Meeting.  The AGM will be held on Monday 23rd March 2020, from 2pm in Cafe 1739, followed by a General Meeting.  All positions will be declared vacant and will require filling – President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and General Committee members.    Toddlers are most welcome in the meetings.

Term 1 Friday Lunches Roster

Please note that Friday Lunches orders close 9am Tuesday, via the Qkr app. 

News from Café 1739

From Friday, March 13th  ANZAC biscuits, zucchini bread, muffins, popcorn and muesli slices will be distributed at recess time to all classrooms to those students who have ordered them. Icy poles will continue be distributed at lunch time due to the time it takes to serve them.

Working Bee – Sunday 15th March 9 am-12 noon

The Miners Rest Primary School community will come together on Sunday 15th March for a working bee.  Please mark this date in your diary, as many hands make light work. There will be a sausage sizzle provided and the year level that has the most families helping will win a reward.  Please see the note sent home last Wednesday.

Easter Raffle

An Easter Raffle sheet has been sent home today with the eldest in the family.  Tickets are $1 each or $10 for the whole sheet.  Could all raffle tickets and money be returned to the office by Monday 23rd March.

We are now asking families for a donation towards the Easter Raffle that will be drawn on Wednesday 25th March.  Donations can be left in the Easter box located in the office foyer. 

Second-hand Uniform Shop

The second-hand uniform shop is located outside Cafe 1739 and we ask for a gold coin donation per item please.