From the Archives

From the Archives

Killara High School has a school song! It was written by Mrs B Davy and the music was composed by Mr L Strait - both former teachers of Killara. In 1972, a recording was made of the song.


The School Song:


In our hearts we’ll always cherish

The school of our young days,

Looking proudly o’er the valley

With its slopes of green and greys.

We’ll ne’re forget our motto

‘Conserva Progredere’

Preserve that we may progress

In our work and hopes and play.


Killara! Killara!

School we proudly claim

We will always remember

To bring honour to your name.


The time will come to leave

The shelter of your walls

But the lessons you have taught us

Will be there whate’er befalls.


So let’s sing about Killara

And the days of green and gold

And the friends and joys of schooldays

In our mem’ries ever hold.


Killara! Killara!

School we proudly claim

We will always remember

To bring honour to your name.



[Source: The Green Years, 1978].



Francie Campbell
