Fit to Drive - Student Reflections

Students' Reflections from Fit 2 Drive

It was interesting to find out that L Plate drivers are the safest drivers on the road and that Red P platers are the most unsafe. I found it interesting that the main cause of accidents are human factors (93%). The key risk factors are speed, distractions, inexperience and drink-driving. Overall, it was an interesting presentation and it makes you stop and think about safety on our roads.



I think the Fit 2 Drive presentation was a real eye opener to the reality of the world. We need to make good decisions when it comes to driving because it can mean the difference between life and death.



I enjoyed the Fit 2 Drive program. It taught me life lessons about the consequences of speeding.



I think the Fit 2 Drive program was really good. I learnt a lot, but in an enjoyable way. I thought that the Police and MFB presentations were excellent.



I feel that the program was really good. It made me aware that I should speak up whenever I feel uncomfortable or fearful on the road as a passenger in a car.



Fit 2 Drive was a very informative presentation. I learnt all about the dangers of driving with distractions or under the influence of alcohol. I would recommend this presentation to all year levels.



The Fit 2 Drive program was an excellent experience and a real eye opener as to what can happen when you follow the crowd and drink and drive. It showed us how many lives are impacted on and changed forever. The presentation should be shown to all schools.



The Fit 2 Drive foundation presentation was really good and an eye opener on how your life can change with the decisions that you make. These decisions can impact you forever. I would recommend the program to all other students.
