
The Show Must Go On! It Will Go On - Dates To Be Confirmed...

The Production Team has been working hard behind the scenes to continue planning for our School Production ‘Matilda’. The plan was to perform the show at Collingwood Town Hall on Tuesday 31 August and Wednesday 1 September. Once the current lockdown restrictions have eased we will liaise with Collingwood Town Hall for new dates in Term 4. Watch this space.


Backdrop Competition

We are continuing to receive entries for the Backdrop Competition. The learning task is still sitting on your Seesaw page, so it's not too late to enter a drawing. Here is just a small sample of what we have received so far:


Call Out for Grey Blazers or Suit Jackets

The lead roles that play the Little Kids in ‘Matilda’ require a School Blazer as part of their costume. We are asking if any families happen to have a grey blazer or suit jacket that they are happy to donate for the production to please let us know.