Junior School Learning

News from Foundation 


We have now finished our unit on Informative texts.  Students completed their final information report on a zoo animal of their choice just before we went back into lockdown.  These look fantastic and your child will bring theirs home for you to look at as soon as we get back to school! 


We have now moved onto Persuasive texts where students have been learning about the art of persuading through texts that we have read.  While learning about persuading, students are learning about making choices and being able to justify or explain their choice.  Some of the persuasive writing students have completed are writing a letter to convince their mum for a pet iguana, persuading a coloured crayon not to quit and deciding what is better, camping or going to the beach.





The Foundation students have been learning how to use a number line to solve addition and subtraction problems.  We are now looking at some other areas of maths which include patterns and 3D shapes.

Junior School Inquiry

This term the Junior School have been learning about Geography.  Last week the students learnt about continents and explored the world globe.  Students were able to pick a location that they would like to visit from anywhere around the world and pin it on the padlet.  Look at all the places our students would like to visit!

News from Year 1 and 2

Grade 1 and 2 students have shown great resilience throughout this home learning period. Teachers have loved seeing students post their work on padlet and can see that they are trying their best in all learning areas. It is great to see so many students accessing the google meet each day when they have questions or would like to have a chat. We have even been able to teach students and support them in completing their daily activities via the google meet. Please continue to use this resource and reach out if we can help with anything!


Here are some highlights from our discovery subjects. Thank you to all students who got involved.



Last week in Indonesian students drew a picture of their family and labeled them with the Indonesian words for family members. Check out these great pictures from the padlet.

Personal Learning

Last week in Personal Learning, Junior students took some time to reflect on how we can show our school values at home. We looked at what actions can be done to show respect and why being respectful at home is so important. Our families are being incredibly supportive so it’s important we play our part and be as respectful as possible. Students developed some goals around respect and are going to focus on displaying these behaviours at home. They displayed these goals in very creative ways and have put them in central spots around the house as a daily reminder.


Last week in Digital Technology, students were learning about cyber safety. They watched a video that detailed the importance of being kind online just as you would in the real world. Students reflected on what being cyber safe meant to them and created posters displaying a cyber safe message. Some students went the extra mile by sharing their messages digitally. Some of these samples can be seen below: