A gorgeous poem shared by Miss Baker. There couldn't be truer words. We are so proud of all our students and parents who are trying their best day in, day out remote learning to help keep us all safe. We know how tough it is on everyone and how tiring and draining it can be. Thank you so much for your continued understanding and efforts to stay strong and carry on. 🌈 Our students really are hero's
📚📙📕📗Book Week 🧙♂️🧚♀️🦸♀️👩🚀
Lockdown wouldn't stop the fun last week when we celebrated Book Week 2021. Our students (And Staff) put in so much effort to get dressed in their favourite book character costumes for the day. Well done to everyone for getting involved.
Jade was Lily Skunk from The 7 Habits of Happy Kids book for Book Week dress up.
Amazing Jade!!
Miss Kelli and Maggie got into the spirit of things, dressing up as Thelma the Unicorn and Snow White for Book Week. You both looked sensational 🦄🍎👸
Even Princess celebrated Book Week acting as Toto from The Wizard of Oz 👏
William on the set of Star Wars for book week 😉
Wow look who visited Yoda Oliver for book week!!!
Miss Simos loving any excuse to dress up - Rocking the Thelma the Unicorn dress up 🦄
Riley read the classic Winnie the Pooh for Book Week
Miss Hill and Tulip joined in the fun for Book Week - Dressing up as the Giant Peach from James and the Giant Peach. Great costume Miss Hill 🍑
Zoom meeting during Book Week in 1/2H
Ace looked amazing at school for Book Week - Star Wars being a big hit this book week
Rudra got into the spirit of book week at school also dressing up in the star wars theme
Isaac in his awesome Spider Man costume for Book Week 🕷🕸
Random Acts of Kindness 💜💚💜
William and Oliver have been crafty this week making binocular presents 🎁
We are sure they will brighten someone's specials day 😉😉😉
Aidan the super star bringing his Mum a coffee in the morning 🤩🤩🤩
He know the way to Mums heart 💜☕
Foundation 🦄
This week we made some yummy kid friendly Rum Ball - We are so glad to see everyone getting involved and having a go in our online cooking lessons.
Chocolate Teddy Bear Cars - Such a fun activity 🚗
WOW!!! Amazing effort to everyone who participated in our MS Readathon. We are so proud to announce that we went over and above our target and raised $889!!!! You should all be so proud of yourselves.
Worldly Wednesday was a HUGE hit. Our Students dressed up, painted faces and helped celebrate different countries as we learnt about the Paralympics. Thank you for putting in so much effort to make it a fun day.
This week was National Teachers Aide Appreciation Week and to celebrate our students sent in photos and made videos to thank Miss Kelli who works in the Foundation rooms.
It was so lovely to see how much they love our Miss Kelli 💛
Over the past fortnight, the 1/2 students have had the chance to make alien parfait, teddy bear cars, scones and playdough. It’s been so engaging, fun and delicious (except the playdough)
Alien Parfait session was a huge hit and very yummy! 👽
Sahana and Saiesha cooking up a storm at home making scones - Great job girls
Jades pretty pink playdough 💟
A baker in the making with Lara's amazing scone baking skills. They look delicious Lara - you will have to join the CWA with those baking skills
Great job Aidan - They look too cute to eat
The 1/2s had so much fun during book week. They got the chance to create a new world, old world, and other world diorama. They shared their favourite books and characters and wrote descriptions for each. Pig the Pug was a very popular book series!
Keep up the wonderful work, we are so proud of all of you!
Year 3-4 News
This week in Year 3-4, students have been creating ‘Colour Poems’ in their writing. A colour poem uses our senses to describe a topic. The students have created some interesting poems describing different colours. The structure of a colour poem is:
Here are a few examples from our year 3-4 students,
Joshua G
Purple is the colour of flowers blossoming.
The sound of purple is deep and relaxing like crystal bells.
It smells like flowers.
It is like the touch of plush velvet blankets.
Purple is like the taste of crunchy pur pur.
Purple is when I feel peaceful and aligned with myself.
By Ben H
On Wednesday the 25th of August, we had a dress up day to celebrate Book Week! Students came to our Zoom meeting dressed as their favourite book characters. Students were also invited to join a 30 minute online workshop, which was put on by Zoos Victoria. Students Learnt:
* About the unique features, habitats and life cycles of Australian animals and how to group them accordingly
* How Australian animals depend on each other and the environment to survive
* How they can help to care for wildlife and the environment
* About Aboriginal history, culture and sustainability
Over the next two weeks the Year 3-4s will be learning about:
Diamante Poems and a review of all the poetry types they have learned this term.
Money and financial mathematics.
A variety of comprehension strategies in reading.
Spelling focus of “u” as in quilt and “se” as in cheese
A celebration of the term and all the hard work our students have put in!
Charlie S has been working hard this week on a Train Tunnel Project with his pirate friend Nibbles
Beau's amazing poem about the colour RED 🎈🍎🪁🍓🌹🏉
Ben put in so much effort with his poem about Purple this week - We love it Ben - Great describing words 💜
Riley's poem about Green - using all the senses - we love it Riley 🍏🌿🌲
Charlie S - Sharpening his saw at the beach - Its important to take time to recharge 🏖
On Wednesday the 5/6 students joined a zoom with 3 of our Paralympian athletes.
Nikki Ayres (Para-rowing)
Amanda Reid (Para-cycling)
Gordan (Para-cycling)
They talked for an hour about their experiences and how they achieved their goal of making the Paralympics.
It was awesome, with key highlights being about goal setting, working had and persistence. The 5/6’s really enjoyed it.
5/6 Writing
Over the past 3 weeks we have been working on a writing piece, related to the book ‘My Place’. Students have been writing about their own place and what it is like to be in lockdown.
Here are two examples of their work, Mitchell and Vuk.
Well done to you both.
I jumped out of the car and raced into the school grounds it was Monday and I was pumped. This week I was really happy and excited for the basketball tryouts. When we were at school we were all having fun and then Mr and Mrs Bradley called us inside.
‘ Okay class quiet down there as been a change in the schedule and we shall now be watching something important.’ Mrs Bradley said.
‘Whilst we watch I should not here any of you’ said Mr Bradley turning on the TV. The class started chatting once agin but the silence fell across the classroom as the class instantly realised it was the news. The headline read ‘Victoria heading into its sixth lockdown going for a week starting tonight’ everyone burst into discussion.
‘SILENCE!’ Mr Bradley shouted.
‘Everybody sit down at your desks now’ Mr Bradley shouted. ‘Silence shall be maintained until the end of the press conference then it will be time for recess.’ Everybody sat in silence until we went to recess.
The next day I woke up feeling frustrated about what was happening. I hoped onto my morning meet and Mr and Mrs Bradley told us to try to stay positive about it. The next five days felt and were the same but Sunday felt different I was looking forward o getting out of lockdown but then we found out that we weren’t going to get out of lockdown.
On the Monday meeting you could see all the anger in peoples eyes but it wasn’t all anger some disappointment and sadness. We were so mad, disappointed and sad because we had the basketball tryouts, the basketball competition and the athletics carnival. Than Mr and Mrs Bradley gave us advice.
‘Class the world isn’t ending like some of you think it is it is just beginning because when something ends something else will begin. It’s like centuries when one ends another one begins.’ We all were very confused until Mr Bradley put it in to video game terms.
‘Your in Pac Man and you hit a ghost that door closed but a new door opened.’ Said Mr Bradley
‘Now that makes sense’ the class said together.
‘You guys have to get off those screens of yours’ said Mr Bradley
‘NEVER!!’ The class shouted.
‘Okay class quiet’ Mr Bradley said.
‘This lockdown is going for another week so that means that everything including the spelling test will be postponed’ Mr Bradley said.
‘Yay!!’ The class shouted together.
‘This does not mean we are not doing the test.’ Mr Bradley said with a chuckle.
‘BOOO!!!’ The class said yelled. The meeting ended and the day flew by. The next morning I came down the stairs and watched TV. I thought this isn’t that bad. The next couple of days flew by and lockdown got extended and got a bit harder but I knew I was going to be fine.
By Mitchell L
By Vuk
Mitchell (grade 5) along with his brother Jake (grade 3) have been working hard in lockdown on a Hogwarts cardboard modelling.
Here is a glimpse of what they’ve been doing. The finished product is amazing.
Leader in Me - Lighthouse Team
Hi everyone
Each Monday and Friday the Student Lighthouse Team will upload some suggestions on how to practice Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw during remote learning.
This week Jessa from 3/4M has made a wonderful how-to video on creating an activity book full of arts and crafts. Doing arts and crafts is a wonderful way to release stress and a great method to use to be mindful .If you have siblings at home you may like to create an activity book for them to use and they can create one for you to use!
Watch Jessa's video below to find out more.
Have a great week,
Mrs Mugford, Ms Diggins, Mrs T & the Student Lighthouse Team!
Art 🎨
Music 🎶
1. Q: Why did Mozart get rid of his chickens? A: They kept saying Bach, Bach!
2. Q: Why couldn't the athlete listen to her music? A: Because she broke the record!
3. Q: What type of music are balloons scared of? A: Pop music!
4. Q: What makes music on your head? A: A head band!
5. Q: What part of the turkey is musical? A: The drumstick!
6. Q: What has forty feet and sings? A: Our school choir!
7. Q: Why did the girl sit on the ladder to sing? A: She wanted to reach the highest notes!
8. Q: What is the musical part of a snake? A: The scales!
9. Q: Where did the music teacher leave his keys? A: In the piano!
10. Q: What do you call a cow that can play a musical instrument? A: A moo-sician
11. Q: What makes pirates such good singers? A: They can hit the high Cs!