From the front desk
A note from Heather and Brooke 💚
From the front desk
A note from Heather and Brooke 💚
It is with a heavy heart that we say we have lost one of our beautiful students Chloe, her Mum Koby and Baby Brother Harrison last week in a tragic accident.
The Le Page community is devastated by the news of a sweet family taken too soon.
Chloe’s radiant smile, cheeky giggle and run at you hugs will be missed by us all.
Chloe was a friend to everyone at school not just those in her grade, asking anyone who was alone to come and join in play with her, and so we feel it fitting to rename our friendship seat in the playground – Chloe’s Friendship Seat. The Seat is currently covered with flowers and cards lefts by families to show their love and sadness.
Chloe our school won’t be the same without you. You are missed terribly and we will think of you with every rainbow we see.
A GoFund Me page has been set on to help Craig, Lachlan and Liam with the boys ongoing medical needs.
If you are needing some support please reach out or contact your local GP for 20 free Counselling sessions
What is mindfulness?
Mindfulness is being in the present moment - not thinking about the past or worrying about the future.
Studies show being mindful is beneficial to our health and and can help reduce anxiety and manage stress.
You can practice being mindful in lots of ways, breathing exercises, mindful colouring, puzzles, mindful walk - really taking in where you are and what you see, smell, hear and feel.
There are a number of apps that can help us to medicate and be mindful.
The Smiling Mind app is a free app with guided recorded meditations to help guide you through being mindful.
The Resilience Project have a great online program running at the moment called At Home with an area dedicated to Mindfulness - check it out here
There are also online guided meditations you can do and one we love is Cosmic Kids on YouTube
Take some time this week to practice being mindful and see how you start to feel. 💜
Wishing all the Dad's, Pa's, Grandad's, Opa's, Papa's, Grump's, Hero's and Male figures in our lives a very Happy Father's Day.
We hope you all have a great weekend 💚
A BIG THANK YOU to our amazing staff from Heather and Brooke for our inclusion in this weeks Appreciation of Teacher Aids. We feel so blessed to work with such amazing people 🌷
LOOP Orders only please 😊
Issue 6 closes 3/9/21
Did you know for just $7.50 you can get your books delivered to you home?!
We are hoping to be out of lockdown soon and we will hand out issue 5 orders once we are allowed back on school site.
Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of our students during times of uncertainty is a priority this year. We encourage everyone in our community to have a look at the links below. It may be that you and your family are managing well at this time however, it’s always worthwhile to see what is available in case you need support down the track. Knowledge is power.
This webpage provides students with links to current supports, DHHS health advice and a range of evidence informed and reputable organisations which provide mental health and wellbeing support including:
A series of videos feature students sharing their experiences of remote learning, what students hope for the future, and celebrated their previous return to school.
The Department has partnered with Melbourne Football Club on a series of videos to help support student wellbeing. Featuring both AFL and AFLW players, the videos provide students with tips on resilience, managing stress and anxiety, gratitude and staying active.
Melbourne Victory Football Club’s ‘Kick it With Victory’ online remote learning resources have been developed in collaboration with the Melbourne Victory Football Club Department of Education and Training and School Sport Victoria.
If things are getting too much, or you’re worried about someone at home, talk to a trusted staff member or another trusted adult. If the staff member is worried about your safety, or the safety of someone else, they will have to talk to the principal. You can also access external help through:
Advice, tips and resources available for parents and carers to support their child’s mental and physical health and wellbeing. It covers a range of topics including:
The Department has partnered with the Raising Children Network on a series of podcasts providing expert advice and information to parents and carers on a range of health and wellbeing topics. Topics include how to connect with your child’s school and community, how to best support your child’s learning, what to expect for VCE and VCAL students and how to keep your child safe online.
If looking after yourself is challenging and you have concerns about how you are coping, support is available. Talk to someone you trust, contact your general practitioner (GP), a counsellor or psychologist or visit a hospital emergency department. You can also access external help through:
Advice on having a safe and reassuring conversation about coronavirus (COVID-19), available in a range of community languages. Quick Guide to Student Mental Health and Wellbeing – Resources for parents and carers
We are always here to help if you need 💚
Please make sure you have returned your Student Enrolment Information Form so we can make sure details are up to date for transition to Secondary School.
Date | Upcoming Info |
Fri. 14th May | Return Year 7 placement 2022 forms. |
Wed. 4th August | Primary Schools notify Year 6 students of placement offers. |
Thurs. 5th August | * Secondary Schools start sending out welcome packs. * Parents Can commence lodging written non-placement appeals with their preferred secondary schools if their child was unsuccessful at receiving their first preference. We can provide a copy of the Yr 6 - Yr 7 Placement Appeal form to assist with this if required. |
Mon. 16th August | Closing date to lodge a written non-placement appeal with their preferred Secondary School. |
Fri. 27th August | Secondary schools to notify in writing of the outcome of non-placement appeals. |
Tues. 7th Dec. | Government Secondary Schools host an Orientation Day for Year 6 students. |
If any current families have children who will be starting Foundation next year, can you please ensure you complete the enrolment process at the Office as soon as possible. If you know of families outside the school who have a child likely to commence Foundation at our school in 2022 can you please ask them to contact the Office to complete the enrolment process. These confirmed enrolments are important as we are now planning for 2022.
Any unexplained absences, you can either update this through Compass or let us know at the office the reason for your child's absence.
If you don't have access to a mobile phone to check yourself in, we can do it manually for you at the front office. Please see Brooke for more information.
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Answer - Thoughts