Message from Principal Sarah 

From Sarah Nightingale, Principal

Remote Learning Program

As we enter yet another week of Remote and Flexible Learning with news of a lockdown extension, I would like to acknowledge the great efforts of our school community. It has been fantastic to see so many students embracing and engaging with daily check-ins, learning programs, Specialists and Wellbeing WebEx sessions, as well as sharing their learning by uploading to Google Classroom or Seesaw. 

Art class 'Pets'
Art class 'Pets'


Our recommendation for all families is to continue to maintain a routine that works for you. This will offer a sense of predictability and a sense of security for children, especially at this time. As a school, we are also reinforcing this with our Remote Learning structure, which is why we have set times for Reading, Writing, Mathematics, and our Specialist program. 


We understand that our program is busy and it may be difficult for students to log on at times, particularly when parents are also trying to manage to work from home. We also acknowledge and understand that it is not sustainable nor is it recommended that young children remain online for very long periods of time which is why all learning tasks are also outlined on Compass, SeeSaw and Google Classroom. 


To give families the background behind our program we wanted to share the Department of Education guidelines that we are following for the Remote and Flexible learning program. 


For students in Prep - Year 2 schools will provide learning programs that include the following per day: 

  • Literacy activities that take a total of about 45-60 minutes
  • Numeracy activities of about 30-45 minutes
  • Additional learning areas, play-based learning, and physical activity of about 30-45 minutes.
From the 'home' art room
From the 'home' art room

For students in Years 3-6 school will provide learning programs allocated as follows per day:

  • Literacy: 45-60 minutes
  • Numeracy: 30-45 minutes
  • Physical Activity: 30 minutes
  • Additional Curriculum areas: 90 minutes


As we progress, we will continue to reflect on our program aligned with the above guidelines. This may mean some changes as we continue throughout the term. 


We cannot stress enough that families are in the best position to consider the learning program that works for them on a day-to-day basis. We trust that families will make the call to modify the learning schedule to make it work for individual needs.


Thank you everyone for doing your best during such a challenging time.


Book Week Celebrations

It was lovely to see the students engage in the alternative activities for Book Week last week. A big thank you to Alice and Gabi for pivoting their plans and providing an opportunity for students to enjoy the week remotely. Please check out some of the work students engaged in later in this newsletter.

Special Person Day

In lieu of our annual ‘Bring a Bloke to Breakfast’, we will be celebrating our Special Person Day this weekend. Please keep an eye out on the year-level learning platforms and Compass for more information from our Parent & Friends Association on how we can connect, engage and celebrate all of the special people in our lives this weekend. 


Please also check out the Parents & Friends page in this newsletter which provides families with information about a ‘live’ cooking event this Sunday.


3 Way Conferences

Towards the end of this term, we will be running our 3 Way Conferences. These conferences provide a forum for teachers, students, and parents to acknowledge student progress and achievement over the term. Teachers will be working with students remotely over the coming weeks, to discuss work samples that may be shared in the 3 Way Conference. More information on our 3 Way Conferences will be shared later in the term.