2021 NAPLAN Results 

Pet drawing made in Art

2021 student NAPLAN results were released to schools this week. 


We are very proud to report, that despite the impacts of COVID-19, NMPS’s overall results are significantly higher than state mean results in Year 3 and Year 5 for all areas of the curriculum assessed. The results are representative of ACARA’s summary of the national NAPLAN data which indicated there were no major impacts on learning from COVID-19.


The summary can be accessed here.


In what has been a challenging past two years, the achievement of NMPS students is testament to the hard work, resilience and commitment to learning and teaching demonstrated by students, teachers, parents and wider school community. 


Individual NAPLAN reports for all Year 3 and Year 5 students have been posted via mail and should arrive with you shortly.


We will endeavour to share a more statistical summary of NMPS’s overall performance to the school community shortly.