Boarding News

This week in Boarding was filled with the anticipation of the AFL footy finals for our residents. It was Wednesday for the boys, and Friday for the girls which will hopefully see positive results for all the hard work they have put in over the season. I wish everyone the best of luck even though it seems that some could well be playing each other in the “big dance”.


Speaking of dancing, it was remiss of me not to mention that the headline act in the NAIDOC Assembly was Keneifa, and his performance  had the college audience in raptures. 


Speaking of assemblies, this week was the College Leaders' Induction Service. I am very proud to announce and congratulate two of our boarders who have accepted positions of responsibility at St Philip’s College. Isabelle Alloway is Flynn House Vice Captain and Keegan Keen is McKay House Vice Captain. Well done to you both. It is always pleasing to see our boarders step up into these rolls.


This Sunday 29th August is Territory Day which is usually celebrated during term holiday. I must remind you all that fireworks are not permitted at Boarding and its surrounds. If you would like to celebrate in the customary fashion I must remind you to sign your boarder out for the weekend. 


What a reward for Daniella and Mariah who due to their volunteering went to the new Sushi Train in Alice Springs. The ladies were very brave and tried several dishes from Sashimi to Lotus Root. Plenty of laughs and discussion about Japan and its culture.

One area that is improving is the boarders' level of participation at Sunday Chapel. All parents and guardians are invited to come to the service starting at 6.30pm in the Swag Chapel.


Hope you enjoy your Territory Day Festivities on Sunday.


Yours in Boarding, 



Tammy Hawkins

Acting Director of Boarder